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  1. Hi every one i have the Dell precision 6300 want to know can i extend the hard disk and Ram ? currently specification is 2.ghz hard 80 and ram 3gb . if i want to extend the hard disk 500gb or 1 tera or ram 5gb or may b more Current motherboard support it or not ? Thanks waiting for your positive response. regards Muhammad Ali
  2. Hello there. I followed the guide to installing Mac OS X Lion on Dell Latitude D630 and right after loading everything from the Chameleon bootloader, I see a black screen with white writing on it showing a kernal panic: BCM5722D (setupDriver:920): MSI index on 1 panic(cpu 1 caller 0x2ccb0f): Kernal trap at 0x3624703a, type 14=page fault, registers: CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0x00000000, CR3: 0x00100000, CR4: 0x00000660 EAX: 0x00000000, EBX: 0x0000085a, ECX: 0x00000000, EDX: 0x299cdffc CR2: 0x00000000, EBP: 0x2ff6bc58, ESI: 0x05eba800, EDI: 0x00000000 EFL: 0x00010246, EIP: 0x3624703a, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x00000010 Error code: 0x00000000 Debugger called: <panic> Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack) 0x2ff6ba98 : 0x22032e (0x6abf4c 0x2ff6bab8 0x229ef0 0x0) 0x2ff6bac8 : 0x2ccb0f (0x6b8488 0x3624703a 0xe 0x6b8431) 0x2ff6bb78 : 0x2e2e34 (0x2ff6bba0 0x2ff6bb88 0x2ff6bb98 0x5eba800) 0x2ff6bb98 : 0x3624703a (0xe 0xc0048 0x10 0x18000010) 0x2ff6bc58 : 0x3624861c (0x5eba800 0x0 0x4222 0x18000000) 0x2ff6bce8 : 0x36244e26 (0x5ee7a80 0x299cd000 0x1 0x0) 0x2ff6bd18 : 0x362eb798 (0x4222 0x5ee7a80 0x299cd000 0x1) 0x2ff6bda8 : 0x36296d22 (0x25232000 0x8086 0x4222 0x0) 0x2ff6be08 : 0x3623d828 (0x5dc2c00 0x8086 0x4222 0x0) 0x2ff6bea8 : 0x3623fd98 (0x5dc2c00 0x5dc2c00 0x0 0x5dc2c00) 0x2ff6bec8 : 0x647f1d (0x5dc2c00 0x5bb3e80 0x2ff6bef8 0x6064aa) 0x2ff6bf18 : 0x647c86 (0x5bb3e80 0x5dc2c00 0x5dc0480 0x2fb4d3b0) 0x2ff6bf68 : 0x648a7d (0x5bb3e80 0x5d52f80 0x0 0xffffffff 0x2ff6bf98 : 0x64a8a4 (0x5bb3e80 0x0 0x2ff6bfb8 0x1) 0x2ff6bfc8 : 0x2c5d0c (0x5d4fb90 0x0 0x2c5d1b 0x5ba5000) Kernel Extensions in backtrace: com.apple.driver.AirPortBrcm43224(500.36.11)[081ADA69-2E4E-4EB3-BDA3-1B5233BC5254 ]@0x36230000->0x363a7fff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family(400.40)[41868296-83CF-41A4-813C-AB76C81DF1B7 ]@0x36182000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily(2.0)[0D1D5E8F-C35E-4D3B-8A74-6D23BCDE48C6 ]@0x36086000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.6.5)[371238D1-CD26-4E59-B860-D5CA04A2FA09 ]@0x2fb4b000 BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task Boot args: boot-uuid=47347ABD-AF7E-3EFA-9664-5C333F33BB48 rd=*uuid -v -v Mac OS version: Not yet set Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 11.0.0: Sat Jun 18 12:57:44 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1699.22.73~1/RELEASE_I386 Kernel UUID: F8596E5D-0966-3091-AA8D-6E11CA68386F System model name: MacBook3,1 System uptime in nanoseconds: 3266526966 Can you please help me? Thank you. P.S. I took a lot of time copying this. Just wanted to let you know .
  3. I just installed SL on a Dell Vostro 200. Everything went fine except that my networking isn't working. Networking works fine under Windows, so it's not the hardware. I installed the Extras that were listed for a SL installation on a Vostro 200. Is there a KEXT I need to install so I can finish with the EDP? Thank you.
  4. Hi I have fully working Snow Leopard 10.6.8 on my Dell Latitude D620, in About this mac and System profiler the processor is detected as a 1.66 GHz Core 2 Duo, But i have a Core Duo. This is not important, but i want to know why it happen and if is possible, fix it. I've configured my build using EDP. I also tried extracting my own dsdt and don't work. I reiterate, isn't important, but if anyone have an answer i will be happy. Sorry for my bad english.
  5. Ok, so I have a Dell Latitude D620 with the nvidia graphics card and I got a copy of Mac Lion from app store Then downloaded the myHack tool. Installed the Lion to the 16 GB flash drive and installed the extras using the myHacks tool. Then I made sure my Bios is all good by looking at the other forum and everything checks out. Booted to USB and it loads the loader fine. When I press enter to continue the boot. it does its loading stuff but when all done it brings me to a black screen and my USB light went off. I been on this for hours.. Any help please would be appreciated. Thanks!
  6. So I have the Dell Inspiron 1564, and I would like to install OSX on it. I do not have any experience with installing hackintosh. My specs are: Intel® CoreTM i3-330M 2.13GHz ATI Mobility Radeon HD5450 1GB 3 GB DDR3 RAM 1066 MHz 320 GB 5400 RPM SATA DRIVE Is it possible to install any kind of OSX on it? Thanks guys!
  7. I am using 10.6.8 on D630 intel 1440x900 with a dell port replicator and an external monitor. Everything works fine except at random times the UI freezes completely. I had the same problem in Lion as well, on the same machine. I followed the EDP bootpack process to install 10.6.8. There is nothing in the logs but I have observed that this problem happens under certain conditions that I am listing below. Please feel free to add your observations and hopefully someone can pick a pattern and fix it. - It started happening after I installed Quicktime version 10.0. Recording a screencast in Quicktime is one of the surest way of triggering a UI freeze. - Editing large movies in iMovie'11 version 9.0 build 1073 can also trigger a freeze but not as often a recording in Quicktime does. - Viewing a content heavy page in Safari can sometimes trigger a freeze. Common culprit in all of the above is Quicktime so that might be it but I am not sure. If it is working well for you then please let me know what version of Quicktime of iMovie you are using. Thanks
  8. I've successfully partitioned and hackintoshed 10.6.3 on my Inspiron 1520. I've installed the 10.6.7 combo pkg, but upon Restart it hangs at the Apple logo (and spinning icon). Any suggestions/remedy would be greatly appreciated.
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