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DLink DWA 556 Wireless Network Adapter

Tiberiu Dubau

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Cheers everyone,


I have a quick question for you: do any of you have a DWA 556 installed in your systems? (It's hard to check all your sys specs posted on the introductory forum, I only read the major player's specs - so that's why I created this post).

The thing is I can't get it to work on ML - and the problem I think is the kext (or lack of it).


So, if you have this card working on ML, please please please share with me how you made it to work (kext(s) and how to install said kext(s)), or at least point me in the right direction. As far as I know, the device *should* have been recognized as a true AirPort NIC, at least that's what happens when I try it in Lion (using Conti's myHack with no additional kexts installed - so it's true plug & play).


Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!!!


Many thanks,


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