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NP880Z5E - Internal microphone issue


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After weeks of trying, this laptop is finally turning into a mackintosh.  It has been slow going as I come up the learning curve.



Display at full resolution

Touchpad and most gestures (except right click doesn't work. My next project on this machine.)

Sound - headphones and internal speaker work, Internal mic is mostly non-working, but sometimes works well. This is my current project to fix

Keyboard works. Backlighting works.

I am using USB wifi, internal wifi board is not supported.

Bluetooth works, but can't turn it off

Hardware monitoring (temp, clock speed, etc.) works


Not working yet

Sleep does not work yet

Internal card reader does not work

Batttery indicator works, but does not follow the power cable being plugged and unplugged. Need to fix this.


I currently have an issue with the internal microphone that I can't figure out.  My internal speaker, headphones (external mic in and headphones sound out) work fine. Sometimes my internal mic also works when the computer is booted up.  Mostly it doesn't.  If it does work, and I plug in the headphones, when I take the HP plug out of the computer, the internal mic no longer works. Seems like the jack sense circuit is not working.


Looking for some ideas on troubleshooting this. 


I can attach any files requested. I have attached most of the important files below.


I have focused my troubleshooting attention thus far on the hardware configuration kext and in slightly changing the codec verbs, thus far with no success.


If anyone has the internal mic on this laptop working consistently under Mavericks, please contact me.


If you have this same laptop and have a question, feel free to ask me.  I am glad to share what I have learned.





AppleHDA.kext.zipFetching info...

dsdt.zipFetching info...

org.chameleon.Boot.plist.zipFetching info...

Darryl’s MacBook Pro.zipFetching info...

Calculated codec verbs.rtfFetching info...

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Hey there i have the np880z5e as well and i cannot seem to get the battery icon to work nor can i get the applehda kext that you put did not work for me i installed with kext utility and no sound maybe i am doing something wrong. As for your dsdt its not a dsdt.aml so i cant install it with multifail can i? 

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