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  1. Thanks for a fast reply - the kexts are already in place, but did a repair perm and rebuild - no difference. Bluetooth not working (meaning it doesnt show any devices or is detectable) and no HDMI audio or difference in resolution-options for the monitor. Any other suggestions or info you may need to better help? Thanks once again.
  2. Sorry to revive an already [sOLVED] thread - I'm also on a Optiplex 3040 Micro, i5 6500T, HD 530, 16 Gb RAM, 256 Gb SSD - and High Sierra 10.13.2. I've followed everything in this thread and got almost everything to work - what I've got left to solve is bluetooth and HDMI audio. I'm getting audio from internal speakers, so that one is working - my guess is that the missing HDMI audio could be due to the fact that I'm running a Dell 3818DW-monitor (with integrated speakers) and neither HDMI nor DP gets the resolution correct (HDMI stops at 1080p, DP at 1440p). macOS identifies the monitor correctly, but not the resolution - so I'm guessing that the identification here could be related to HDMIaudio not working. Any suggestions for both bluetooth and HDMIaudio/screen resolution? Thanks in advance.
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