got a C2D 1.66GHz T5500 667MHz Socket M, slipped straight in no problem. I have no idea why, but rectified my problem by running MyHack > create OS installer - after that finished I manually copied across everything from the D520 "extra" folder I downloaded from here, then running MyHack > MyFix (all)
weird.. Then everything ran smooth as an androids bum, mouse fine, sound no1#, wireless (i had a Broadcom43xx) all good, battery, EDP worked fine, am posting from a Lion 10.7.5 updated . just wondering the
USBBusFix=No , is it (=No) by default ?? is there any point running EDP before the combo update.. anyways , extremely extremely pleased.. donated two long bottles of beer, EDP and MyHack luv ya work thanks very much herve, with out your help I'd still be staring at my CORE DUO wondering whats wrong