Hi guys my Bios in my Dell e6430 (INTEL HD4000 and Nvidia quadro not supported) is A09 and i'have problems with the option called Optimus in VIDEO folder.
When i reboot my pc with UEFI after booting MAC OS X, this option is disabled, i need it. Because with optimus i can use my intell hd graphics.
How can i fix it? I find in this forum the APPLERTC . Kext but it doesn't work.
Now i attach my KEXT as a Photo.
i'have tryed to boot Sierra with AppleRTC.kext (10.12 version) throw the usb stick, but when i configure my BIOS for Sierra after booting the pendrive, and rebooting my DELL, the optimus option are disable... (without install it only boot the installer)
Ok i change my BIOS settings (A09) and i actived Video--->Optimus (Enable) and now clover see my HD graphics but when i boot mac i see only the black screen with the brightness of lcd and keyboard active.
i need kext for my gpu?
Hi guys,
i've install Sierra in my Dell E6430 i7-3630QM version
this pc has 2 GPU : Nvidia Quadro 5200M e the Intel graphics HD4000, when i boot it (see the photo)
we can see only 4mb of VRam and the gpu in use is nvidia (in my boot args i write "nv_disable=1")
how can i fix it?
(i don't use any kext and driver for gpu )
Sorry for my english broh
Great now my hackintosh works thank you broh for the support.
Do you have other kext to suggest to me?
and do you know the best wifi card for my new hackintosh ?
Hi guys,
i can boot mac os x sierra, but when i see the first setting/configuration (where i set the languages) page i can't move my mouse, i've tryed, an external mouse with usb 2.0 and voodo kext but it's the same,