Hello again, so after many tries, this is what i did and how things stand:
1.- Extract the HD from the D630
2.- Format in windows 7, insert the DSDT.aml file from the bootpack in the HD.
3.- Reinsert the HD, boot with modCD.
4.- Insert the retail SL DVD, insert the command DSDT=hd(<x>,<y>)/DSDT.aml
5.- SL install begins, screen OK, installation completes OK.
6.- After install, D630 reboots, no video again.
7.- Remove HD again, on virtualbox SL, copy DSDT.aml to the extra folder.
8.- Reinsert HD, boot D630, SL loads OK!
9.- install and run EDP, EDP informs all is OK
10.- Reboot, kernel panic.
Any ideas as to why did EDP crashed the install? Also i do not know how to read / interpret what the kernel panic is trying to tell me, what should i look for? thanks again!