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Posts posted by blackmetallive

  1. ok, the smarttouchpad-kext is working (elan is working too, but nothing "smart" is working like zoom, rotate, scroll etc)


    i also have touchpad settings in macOS system preferences, but somehow, the zoom is very "buggy" not working good.

    and the other settings i cant use at all, for example open the overview of all windows or open system settings with 3-finger swipes etc, rotate picture, browser-history-back 

  2. is there an instruction WHAT to install exactly? in the first post there are MANY zip and kext files, do i need ELAN and / or smarttouchpad? both? just one?

    when i take both, i install in S/L/E using kextbeast, sometimes it works very nicely, but after a reboot it is not longer working (even the kext files still are in SLE)

  3. ok battery working with dsdt patch and kext, but i have problems with HDMI, monitor works nice (nvidia web driver), if i plug in hdmi cable, the screen jumps to the connected TV (everything fine). BUT: my laptop screen gets black, even if i unplug HDMI cable the laptop screen is black, only way to get back screen is plug in hdmi again so the screen is on my TV, restart laptop and unplug hdmi, then i have screen on laptop again. (also in settings -- monitors) i have no option to use 2 screens, extend, mirror etc

  4. can anybody enlighten me how to patch DSDT and SSDT and what kexts to use? my hackintosh is running fine, but i have no battery-status, i read a lot of stuff in tutorials how to patch DSDT and SSDT but the tutorials are a MESS, absolutely unreadable for a normal human being. also the author of this thread should share his kexts and patches and what exactly he did....


    now i have extracted my aml-files, disassembled to *.dsl but how am i supposed to know what to do next? what patch do i need? is




    from https://github.com/RehabMan/Laptop-DSDT-Patch/tree/master/batteryusable for us?

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