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  1. HI Qwerty12, Just wondering if this kext is working well on Mavericks? With the looming release, I thought to check in
  2. Fixed as suggested and thanks for that, better to be complete and I agree that its nicer to have it as a program rather than a kext, since a person can easily adjust the plist to pass different arguments if desired.
  3. Thanks so much for all the hints on creating a plist to get it to start on boot. Everything is now working on boot and the only thing that was a bit tricky for me was the plist but I finally got it. Here is a good link that I followed (for anyone else new to this whole osx thing) http://nathangrigg.net/2012/07/schedule-jobs-using-launchd/ And here is my plist for anyone interested. edit: corrected an error in the string of the plist below as this was not loading in Mavericks. edit2: how to install BatteryProcessorCoreControl: you will need to show the hidden file location for /usr/local/bin place program in BatteryProcessorCoreControl binary inside /usr/local/bin if the bin folder is not there, create it. fix permissions: sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local/bin/BatteryProcessorCoreControl sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/BatteryProcessorCoreControl Done edit2: how to install ProcessorCoreControl Kextl: install kext using KextWizard to Extra copy the plist from below and be sure to name it the same as the string tag but with a .plist at the end and place file in /Library/LaunchDaemons/ fix permissions: sudo chown 0:0 /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.qwerty12.batteryProcessorCoreControl.plist reboot and it should be working. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>org.qwerty12.batteryProcessorCoreControl.plist</string> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> <key>KeepAlive</key> <false/> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/usr/local/bin/BatteryProcessorCoreControl</string> </array> </dict> </plist>
  4. Like I said earlier, YOU ARE A NINJA! The BatteryProcessorCoreControl.zip works on 10.7.5!! Do you have any suggestions/hints on making a plist? And after many, many tries with xCode, I successfully built the DisableTurboBoost for Lion and it works like a charm! I have attached it for others to enjoy. Thanks so very much for your time and effort on this. I have learned a lot today! Edit: tested and working on probook 4330s i7-2820qm DisableTurboBoostBattery_Lion.zip
  5. your right, i checked kextstat and it is not listed. I assumed kextwizard would have installed it. Sorry I am pretty new to OSX so I dont really know how to diagnose why the kext wouldnt have loaded. I just reran Kext Wizard again, then kextstat and same thing. even though KW is saying the kext was installed successfully. Do you have time to see if you can build it for a 10.7 target? Maybe my xCode settings are not right. Sorry, I should have been more clear about the activity monitor. I have attached a pic to show what I mean regarding activity monitor. So with or without AC (after installing with sudo), I can see all 8 cores in use (as per image below). Same also when I tried with the "sysctl" commands you gave, I have the exact same outputs for with or without AC. hw.ncpu = 8 hw.cpufrequency = 2294000000 hw.availcpu = 8 hw.ncpu: 8 hw.activecpu: 8 hw.physicalcpu: 4 hw.physicalcpu_max: 4 hw.logicalcpu: 8 hw.logicalcpu_max: 8 hw.cputype: 7 hw.cpusubtype: 4 hw.cpu64bit_capable: 1 hw.cpufamily: 1418770316 hw.cpufrequency: 2294000000 hw.cpufrequency_min: 2294000000 hw.cpufrequency_max: 2294000000 hw.cputhreadtype: 1 I ended up contacting the developer for CPUSetter and he build a version for 10.7 and it works perfectly, so if the program you wrote is ML specific, its no problems as I can use CPUSetter instead of instruments now.
  6. Thanks for the program. You must be a super ninja to whip that up so quickly Re: disable turbo kext I changed all the options (as you said) and it suceeded in building but when I install it via kext wizard, then repair permissions, reboot. nothing happens, no disabling of the turbo I tried to delete the xCode output folder and start from scratch but it still didnt work. I tried 3 times. Re: Battery processor control I installed using sudo /Users/nori/Desktop/BatteryProcessorCoreControl and put in my password but I couldnt see any difference in core count. I am using activity monitors cpu usage window and with both AC in and out I am getting all 8 cores active Maybe its a Lion issue? I will test with my 10.8.4 install and see if things work. Thanks for all the help btw. edit: forgot to say that cpusetter is ML only
  7. Of course its in the first post So I am trying to build it on XCode but I have never done it before....I did try to change some settings so anything that said 'Mountain Lion' is now changed to 'Lion' in the settings and when I hit 'run' I get this error: clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-O0' cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-std=gnu++11" cc1plus: warning: -Wuninitialized is not supported without -O Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1 Any suggestions or am I being a total idiot?
  8. Hey Qwerty12, So after about 2 weeks on ML, I reverted back to Lion 10.7.5 My battery was better on 10.7.5 than 10.8.4 Any chance you have the source code laying around (not on your osx install) and I can try and compile it on xCode 10.7.5? Then I will at least be 'helping' a bit
  9. Yeah FF versioning And sorry to hear about the dead OSX install. I hope you get that sorted out without too much pain. No worries on my request, when you have time. In the meantime I created an alias to Instruments.app and then its a quick 'cmd,' to get to the preferences slider and I can adjust the # of cores.
  10. YOU ROCK!!!! It works perfectly now on 10.8.4 Just out of curiosity, do you know if is it possible to disable 2 cores on battery and have all 4 cores on AC via a similar kext? I have a proper quad core (i7-2720qm) and not meaning disabling hyper threading. I ask because in win7 I was able to do that and I was able to squeeze out an extra 1hr of battery by disabling turbo and limiting the # of cores. Either way, thanks so much for the kext and fast response time! Edit: I just found the below link and was wondering if its possible to implement into a different version of your kext? Say a quad2dual core version of the kext? http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#qa/qa1141/_index.html Never mind the above link, its only good for pre Lion. But I did find this post that details how to adjust the number of cores manually using xCode. I just installed it and it works great, now it would be a dream to have it as a kext with on/off battery... http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1418393
  11. Hi, Sorry for the delayed reply, I didnt get this post for some reason. Stupid junk mail filter. I did as you suggested and the ExternalConnected remains true but BatteryInstalled toggles. I dont know if this may be causing the issues? I took screen shots, I hope this helps. Thanks for the help on this and let me know if theres anything else I can help you with.
  12. I just finally bit the bullet and installed 10.8.4 on my probook 4330s Works as you said. The only problem I found is that when I take the battery out (while running on AC) the throttling is also engaged. When I put the battery back in, turbo is back on. Any chance someone can take a quick look and see if you can reproduce this? Otherwise, thanks for this!
  13. Finally got brave enough to try this and it doesnt seem to make any difference on Lion 10.7.5 I installed using kext wizard to S/L/E, repaired permissions, rebooted
  14. Hi and thanks for this kext. I was wondering if anyone has tried this on Lion and Probook 4x30 series laptops?
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