Just to update, I reinstalled with it plugged into the ethernet and it didn't prompt for how to connect to the network this time, but still no joy on the 1395. If no one has any suggestions, I may see if i can order a 1390 since i've had good luck with those in the past (and it looks like it should work out of the box). If I do that, can I just install it and it will automatically show up, or do I need to mess with the Kexts at all?
my life in OSX:
macbook (black, early 2006, Lion)
macitude (Dell D620, Snow Leopard)
HackPro (LifeHacker build)
maclet (HP Tablet w/ working touchscreen, Leopard)
HackMini (Dell Mini 10v, Snow Leopard)
Lionized (Dell D830, Lion... mostly)
MacStation (Dell Precision 490, waiting on parts)