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Posts posted by dbrannon79

  1. Update:  as interesting as this is, but I had remembered reading something about having the BCM94352HMB card in the wan port of the laptop would cause some issues.  so out of curiosity I opened my HackBook Pro as I call it, moved the card into the wwan port.  had to do a slight mod since the card is a half hight and that port requires a full hight card.  powered it on, booted into High Sierra and bam!  bluetooth is working :D  yay!  


    now if possible, try to get handoff working.  besides the sleep to fully function.  as of right now there is only two ways I can get sleep to work.  one way is to press the Fn+F1 keys (the moon symbol on F1 key). this method works all the time with no problems.  any other sleep method requires me to first disconnect the charger, then the lid, apple menu, and auto timed sleep works.  otherwise the screen only turns off.

  2. Hey guys, I'm back at trying to get everything working again.  


    I've been searching to figure out how to get the bluetooth part of my Broadcom BCM94352HMB card working at least until I get around to building my other e6420 laptop ( will get the apple BCM94360CD card )  


    with the built in bluetooth disabled in the bios the wifi works great on the BCM94352HMB card but there is no bluetooth.  any suggestions on this? I'm out of available space to attach files so I have linked a recent debug below from my google drive.





  3. more testing..  I installed an integrated webcam from another e6420 I have, it's recognized in the bios and enabled.  the camera works in FaceTime but is very poor quality. I have a good 5G wifi signal and have tested internet speed which is more than good, I also opened image capture and it shows no devices.  is that a kext driver I need to have to clear this up?  there is another old thread here which the op has the practically the same issue but there was no solution posted. 



  4. Question on the sleep issue...  I am currently running clover v2 r4297 on legacy.  do I need to update?  if so.  what version is recommended or is best to use, and exactly how should I go about performing the upgrade.  I have switched versions in the past while running El Capitan to a newer version simply by running the installer and it seemed to pre-select the options I had before, finished the install. Rebooted and had several problems. I ended up re-installing the r4297 and have never looked back!  Im positive there is a CPU power management issue since my sleep only works on battery so I am currently reading up on this.  I found a post from forum for CPU power management that hopefully will be easy to understand since I got lost attempting to make a custom ssdt before.  if there are any recommendations that is easy reading or a step by step guide to follow for the inexperienced, Please share :)


    Thanks again for all the help.


    P.S.  link removed as per forum rules

  5. Thanks Herve,  strangely for the moment the default mic input selection has resolved it's self!  the only thing different I did was when I reinstalled the voodooHDA app I chose to place the voodooHDA kext in clover instead of it's standard install by placing it in SLE.  I did have to edit the info plist in the kext to set the input gain  and recording levels to 50 since it did not want to remember the setting from  system preferences.    I also tested the HDMI video and sound, that seems to work great although it won't automatically switch over the audio. I have to manually do that from the volume icon on the top of the screen, but that's no biggie.


    in further testing the sd card reader isn't working just yet but will look into that further.  also sleep works when it wants to apparently!  at first boot while connected to the charger there is no sleep, but when I disconnect the charger it will sleep, just takes it a minuet to actually go to sleep.  I did notice battery life seems to be remarkably good on my 30% life left battery!!  I had left it running while making a trip into town not realizing it was unplugged, came back and watched a few youtube videos before I noticed it was at 65% charged.  all in all the system seems stable, yet I have not put it through any stress tests yet.


    Update:  further sleep testing I find that it will sleep only while on battery power and not while plugged in.  when  it wakes up the screen is at full brightness. I have to touch the Fn brightness key to reset the brightness.

  6. On 9/9/2018 at 1:39 PM, Hervé said:

    For audio, why don't you switch to patched AppleHDA. Details of the patch are available in my E6220 guide.

    Herve,  I uninstalled the voodoohda and restored my vanilla AppleHDA kext back to the way it was before.  attempted to use a patched  HDA and do get sound working, but I still get the same results with the built in mic. no way to control the input gain and siri fails to work.  I started following THIS which led me to THIS guide (all I seemed to find on patching so far) and I got so far where it had me identify my codec vendor id, which ended at the full stop because my codec is 0x111d76e7 rather than 0x10ec like it said.  

    for now I have reinstalled the voodooHDA to get the mic working and allow siri to work.  can you point me in the right direction where to get the specific patch I need and or the correct way to install it?




    P.S.  I was trying to attach my original appleHDA kext and an appleHDAIDT that I found in SLE but I keep getting  this message!


    Links removed as per forum rules sorry


    the patch details on your guide (screenshot) I have in my clover kexts to patch, unless I typoed  something  

    Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at 3.38.46 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at 3.40.22 PM.png

  7. thanks Herve for the info  I will look into the apple card and adaptor and the audio patch in your guide.  as for the usb ports not working for the current card I have, I'm sure there are other problems I will run into unless I fix this.  can you help me with this?  


    Also thank you Jake for reminding me about the F2 and F4 in clover,  I knew I was forgetting something.


    Here is an updated debug zip attached.  let me know if I need to zip up my clover EFI and attach as well.


    Thanks again guys I really appreciate all the assistance :)


  8. 35 minutes ago, Jake Lo said:

    Try adding this kexts to /EFI/Clover/kexts/Other


    Thanks Jake,  I added it to the Other in EFI and that didn't seem to work so I removed it and replaced it with the one that was in SLE and now it's working.  there must have been a conflict with having both. I didn't realize that :)


    Thank you.


    as for the MBP selection, I'm fine with using MBP8,2  I would just like to be able to turn the fan on slightly before HWMonitor starts showing the cpu temps up in the 70's range.  they normally stay in the mid 50's to mid 60's range which I think is ok, but placing my hand near the fan exhaust I rarely feel anything blowing until the temps get up past the 70's and are showing in red.


    now on to figuring out the bluetooth for the wifi combo card or if there is a trick to using the built in DW375 for the handoff and continuity.


    plus trying to fix the problem as to why the settings in preferences won't stick when selecting the output mic.   I have the voodooHDA app installed from THIS youtube video I found.  the reason I used the voodooHDA from the video was, although the sound was working and the mic was working, there was no gain control for the mic and it was defaulted to max gain and was so sensitive it was picking up little things like a pin drop in the room over my voice!  the voodooHDA fixed that.   here is a couple of screenshots of the setting it defaults to on reboot which doesn't work (black left)  and what it needs to be set default to for the mic to work properly (both)  when I choose the one highlighted in the second screenshot everything works from then-on until the next reboot.

    Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at 1.30.24 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at 1.30.37 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at 1.31.00 PM.png

  9. Herve,  thanks for the quick response.  I tried the MBP8,1 in the SMIBIOS on clover, created a new serial and uuid but on reboot I lost all usb ports.  tried several times with other MBP's using the i5 family cpus and still the same result even after using a different ssdt.  so I reverted back to my original config plist


    I started working on getting the handoff working, disabled the onboard BT in the bios as you suggested.  that did killed my BT and the  added theBCM94352HMB BT did not work.  I started following a guide HERE under Bluetooth Injection Method, which led me to adding the port limit patches from the attached text zip file.  while using the guide I attempted creating a custom ssdt and got totally lost. I have also tried the ssdt from your guide as suggested but I believe I need the ssdt_UIAC.  I would hope to find someone with the same system who has done this and willing to share!!  as for now I'm stuck with no BT from the BCM94352HMB which is prob stopping me from getting handoff to work, unless it can be done using the DW375.  Ive also attached my working config plist with the added patches and the one (config1 plist) which I lost all usb function after changing the MBP.  maybe you can take a look and see what caused the usb to stop working.


    I did try to run the install_tools sh script to post an updated debug report but every time I run it the folder appears on my desktop and then disappears again as if the script is deleting it.  what can I do to fix that so I can post the debug fo help?


    Thanks again



  10. Hey fellas,  thanks to Jake's guide and his assistance, and also other contributors, I have an almost perfect fully working hack book pro dual booting High Sierra and windows 10 on the same ssd!  I still need some fine tuning and some fixes tho.  as of current everything I've tested is working.  my system is a Latitude e6420 with an i5-2520m 8gb ram.


    right now I am attempting to get handoff working and try to get the occasional screen glitch fixed. not to mention the system not saving the default audio input for the mic. the other thing I'd like to do is somehow manually edit the settings for when the cpu fan starts running, I've seen some spikes in CPU temps.  I have attached my current EFI and a screenshot of one of the screen glitches.  occasionally on booting, the screen is black at the logon screen.  luckily I can simply type my password in and it will login and the screen will show.  I tried to get the debug files but I keep getting the output in terminal shown in the screenshot and the folder gets deleted from my desktop so I am unable to attach that.


    for the handoff I have used the clover patch from this site...   https://www.hackintosh.computer/162/enable-bluetooth-handoff/


    any help would be much appriciated.




    Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at 2.03.19 AM.png

  11. Hey guys,  sorry to revive an old thread.  I too have a wifi issue after upgrading from El Capitan to Sierra.  Dell Latitude e6420 with two wifi cards installed. BCM4311 and BCM43224, with El Capitan installed using Clover loader, everything was working great. After upgrading to Sierra (10.12.6) from the app store only the wifi seems to be broken.  I tried using the kext io80211family kext from El Capitan and nothing. my wifi icon shows no hardware installed!  DCPIManager picks it up in the PCI list but doesn't show any kexts loaded for ether one. also I did notice it rather bizarre that when launching activity manager, it immediately crashes, but that may not be revenant to this issue.  any idea what I did wrong or didn't do to get at least one of the cards working?


    Thanks in advance.

  12. since i didn't keep track of kexts I installed and modified. tell me if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing that if I sort all my files by date modified, that will tell me what I need to set aside for safe keeping. see attached photo.


    I had some kexts in /L/E but found that most were also in /S/L/E or in clover/kexts so I deleted the folder and all still worked fine. Not sure if that was a smart move!




  13. that sounds great!  if I attempt to upgrade the os to Sierra or High Sierra later on, since I really haven't backed up any kexts or patches, and really don't remember everything I changed to get it all working.  what would be the best option to make a backup other than cloning the os to an external drive?   I know your bootpack will probably have just about everything I need, just thought I'd ask



  14. Hello all,  I have successfully installed El Capitan 10.11.6 on my e6420 machine with the help of Jake Lo and his guide.  so far it seems 99% working!  (1% is not a true Mac)  Ive recently noticed software updates available in the app store and wondered if it is safe to allow the updates.   I'm sure this has been asked before in the forum but searching has not turned up anything related.  at the moment I don't plan to update to Sierra or High Sierra os, but like to keep app and security updates up to par.  at the moment I see the updates shown in the attached photo.   just wanted to know if these are safe from breaking anything.  also if there are others I need to steer clear from!




    My system..

    Dell latitude E6420 i5-2520m  8gb ram, 240gb ssd

    Legacy EFI Clover, El Capitan, Windows 10 Pro





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