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  1. OK, well, I went ahead and restarted anyway. It boots fine and, as far as I can tell, runs correctly. I now have sound, proper brightness controls and resolution, and the battery shows up with stats. So with all that said, is lspcidrv a critical kext?
  2. The only ones I have are in /Extra/storage/standard/lion/Extensions/ and /Extra/storage/standard/ml/Extensions/
  3. Well, my last attempt at using EDP failed. Had to repair my install and re update, trying again and I get the error: "The system extension "/System/Library/Extensions/myHack.kext/Contents/Plugins/lspcidrv/kext" was installed improperly and cannot be used. Please try reinstalling it, or contact the product's vendor for an update." Should I continue with the install and restart, or should I fix something before I restart. Last time this happened, the computer refused to boot.
  4. I have NullCPUPowermanagement?
  5. I haven't installed any I don't think. Unless EDP or the myHack installer puts one in. The battery stuff worked fine when running off a unmodified install, but as I stated in my original post, alot of other things didn't work
  6. Any ideas on how to get my battery to work? It runs on battery with no issue, except it reads 0% charge all the time and when I try to display battery info on the status bar, it won't do anything.
  7. Alright, so I used the myHack usb to do a repair install, went without a hitch but sound still didn't work, but after I installed the 10.6.8 update, everything worked! Still haven't tried to see if sleep is functioning like it should, but so far everything seems to be in order.
  8. Well, now it KPs every time I boot >_< I think I'm just gonna wipe and start over Heading home now so I'll see what I can do and update in the morning.
  9. I lied...after restart, everything has fallen apart...I've lost audio, wireless, eth, and my video only runs at 1024x768 >_<
  10. I had done that already, apparently the changes hadn't taken effect or something. However, once I installed voodooHDA, my audio started working fine Thank you all for this awesome site and the helpful utilities! Also, thank you Bronxteck for your quick reply
  11. Hi all, been interested in installing OSX on one of my machines for awhile now and just decided to take the leap. I started by using the D620SLVI boot disc linked on another site and installed from a 10.6 disc. This all went fine, everything worked perfectly, except the computer would not boot without the disc to act as the bootloader. So I did some searching and came across this site, and proceeded to follow the instructions word-for-word. Everything has gone great, installed from the myHack usb and even updated to 10.6.8 with no issues. All is well in the world, except all is silent as well. Where I had sound installing from the unmodified disc, installing the way I'm told here causes my audio card to be unrecognized. Now I'm a noob, so please bear with me when trying to help
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