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Posts posted by bvbek

  1. Done I should receive this in next week (DW1830).


    I tested title docking station(over usb-c) Dell6000 multiple screens/sound working like charm.

    Directly over HDMI port second screen snd sound working to.


    I still got problem with keyboard/touchpad. Sometimes when I try use FN keys this cost froze to. 

    Do Someone got different version VoodooI2C.kext,VoodooPS2Controller.kext what I can try to?


    I Try multiple times disable "Enable Legacy Option ROMS" but always crashed.

    This is last think what I can see before crash ((Potential why sound do not working to).

    Thank you .






  2. after: Disable "Enable Legacy Option ROMS" in the BIOS I got black screen after initiation graphic drivers(before logon screen).

    BTW. What is good WIFI card to this dell model. Can you please advice?


  3. Hello Guys.

    I would like to thank you for respond.


    0x59160000 and 0x19168086 updated and osx is now running with graphic accelerator Thank you  @Jake Lo.


    I generate once again EDID from FixEDID and this time I chose "Apple MacBook Pro Display (8:5)" and this time screen it seams to be working correct.


    Left me only:

    Ethernet connection flapping (I have restart osx to get connected)




    Plug/Unplug charging cable cost froze OSX


    Regards B.



  4. post-119687-0-12812700-1522842535_thumb.jpgbvbs-MBP.home.zipHello 

    I got 

    Dell 7280

    i7-6600u HD520

    1920x1080 touchscreen

    NVME Hynix drive


    NVME is working nativelly after Format Disk to 4k sectors and partitions.



    I got huge problem with graphic drivers.


    I try to use multiple package prepare from @Crew but no success.

    At least I would like to fix graphic issue for now.



    I added EDID to my config file generate over this topic


    but nothing was change.


    For now my problems looks like that:



    Any suggestion from where I should start ?

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