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  1. Hi, gerneric didn't worked. the resolution is a good point, its full HD 1920x1080 Will try the dsdt this evening! kind regards edit: the DSDT worked, great! After that, I tried the edp install, but after a reboot, the sys hangs. Will figure out, which kext causes the problem. edit: I'm not able to get past the error: any ideas, thanks! thanks
  2. Hi Jake, tried that, but same behavior. How could I troubleshoot that best? Will try to install a generic extra. kind regards
  3. thank you. created a new install drive with the extra folder from your link, now after booting, when the install should show me the screen, the display is black. I think, the olny diff. from the downloaded extra is the CPU, its not an i5, its a i7 2620m, could that be the problem ? same found here: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1301-no-screen-after-installing-lion-on-a-latitude-e5520/ will try to post a full install doc, when its running regards
  4. got mine Dell Latitude E5520 Core i7-2620M @2.7GHz 8 GB Ram DDR3 SSD can't get it to boot, only in safe mode, tried the following switches: cpus=1 npci=0x3000 pcirootuid=1 in safemode (-x) wlan with atheros card is working woul be great if someone can help.
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