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Everything posted by Dijas

  1. Hmm I'm not honestly sure 100% what those glitches are, aside from the rainbow colored top bar, which I could work past. It doesn't seem too terrible. I'll gvie it a go.
  2. Um... As far as I know Lion doesn't have 7xxx support yet. Mountain lion has partial support.
  3. I've seen several tutorials on uefi hackintoshes. I've seen threads, on here even, of people successfully installing OSX with an M5A97. Only problem is they never entail how. Other than that, is the CPU and everything else fine?
  4. Hey all, I'm new to the hackintosh scene, but I'm very computer versed, and I think I'll be able to manage this. Normally I do all my gaming on my PC, and everything else on my Mac, but the mac is getting slow and I want to run both on the PC Specs are as follows: ASUS M5A97 motherboard uefi AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4ghz BE 2x HiS HD 7770 ghz editon graphics cards 8gb DDr3 SportsFX ram 2x 500gb Sata HDD Does this look possible? I know asus boards have support to some extent, and the Phenom II 965 is a popular CPU. Where should I begin with this? Thanks.
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