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Everything posted by Akv

  1. Akv

    Dell e7470

    I installed clover on to my usb drive. I also got into the efi and downloaded the boot pack you had me download. I copy and pasted the files from the kext/ other files only to the efi that is on the jump drive. I copied to clover/kext/others. I also copied the acpi file that I downloaded and pasted it to clover and replaced the old acpi. Now, the copytole files, it says to paste them to the library/extension. However, I don't have that on the jump drive. So do i do that after I install mac osx on my dell? Here are some screenshots to help! I also copied the config file from the downloaded zip file and copied it to the clover folder on my bootable jump drive.
  2. Akv

    Dell e7470

    I am on step 1 which is make the bootable usb drive. How do I install clover on there and than go to the efi. This is way different than my hackintosh desktop install.
  3. Akv

    Dell e7470

    That is only for the clover part of it. How do i actually make the bootable install?
  4. Akv

    Dell e7470

    Hey guys, I wanted to know what you guys recommend if I should install high sierra or mojave? Which is easier to install? Which one is more stable? I do have experience installing Mac osx on a desktop. Compatability wise what wifi / Bluetooth card is the best and is easiest to install as well.
  5. What is one of the real Mac card?Which one is better card and more stable?
  6. Which one is better card and more stable?
  7. Which one is easier and better?
  8. Hey guys thank you for all your hard work. I just bought a e7470 off of eBay to build into hackintosh. I already have a hackintosh desktop as well. I wanted to know if this wifi adapter is compatible with high Sierra. Or will it be difficult to set up. Here is the link... https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F123086180210
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