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  1. I could solve the boot problem by myself, the not working wifi not. thank you
  2. Ok, i tried your recommendation and something changed, the boot process stop 3 line above in the pic. Stop at apfs_module_start:1939: ect ect...... Could be something with the video drivers? 2 question, when the system run the wifi not work, i heard the Intel module this laptop is not supported, but i read also that someone doesn't have this problem... do you have any idea about that to?
  3. thx 4 ur rash answer, i'll try and give u a feedback
  4. Hi everybody, my hackintosh Mojave on Dell Latitude E5450 don't reboot after try to install the last update of Mojave. I tried already many boot flags to avoid the problem unfortunately. Hope someone have an idea from the pic of the boot. Mackintosh stop to load every time at this point. This issue come if i boot from the Install from Mojave create by the installer, otherwise no problem to boot. Thanks in advance if someone have an idea.
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