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Everything posted by quy01234

  1. Good evening! Thank for all support I got from here. Finally I have just got my graphic card work and I am still amazing. @Jake Lo: I deleted 3 kexts: AppleIntelHD4000Graphics, AppleIntelFramebufferCapri, AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB because I think these kexts cause hanging on boot screen. Thank you for your kext, it help me very much. @Herve: thanks for your helping many many times. This afternoon I decided to complete reinstall mac. I did below things: - Upgrade bios to A14 (I downgrade it to A09 before and upgrade it when I see it doesn't affect anything) - Create my hack install USB use myhack 3.2 beta 8 ( I forgot copying Jack Lo 's kext ) - Boot to USB with -v -f -x mode - Using disk utility to erase my mac partition (but it return error that I can't unmount it , I think I was unlucky) - Because I forgot copy JackLo 's kext, I used generic extra when it asked me. - Completing some information to complete install it use -v -f -x mode - Turning off my pc ( I had class that time) - Coming home and turned on mac os with -v -f mode (just for test). I can't believe in my eyes the topbar is transparent - Keep using boot loader in myhack 3.2 b8, I using multi beast install themes, sata3 driver, usb 3.0 driver. - Everything looks ok. ps. I keep using JackLo 's device-properties in my org.chameleon.Boot.plist ( I think there is no harm if I keep it).
  2. I followed Jake Lo 's isntruction. I used chimera (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) 2.1.1 r2148 and I also tried lastest chameleon bootloader, but I still stuck in loadscreen
  3. Thank you very much, But I still want to learn how to path my own dsdt, I think I should make some try . Thank you again for supporting me. Would you mind showing me how to get my HD Graphics 4000 card working with QE/CI. I also had a dp to dvi cable
  4. Oh, thanks Hervre I see that some kind body can path my extracted dsdt or I can get it from Chameleon wizard tool, are there any diffence between them. I think that it is better when made by these kind guys, could you give me a good guild about pathing my own dsdt/ssdt
  5. Hi all, I have a Dell Optiplex 7010, (Bios V A09, core i7 3770, 4G Ram, HD Graphics 4000). I followed Crew 's guild and it worked well, but I can't log on macos with -v -f mode. I think there is some problems with some Intel HD kext because when I delete them I can log in but don't hava QE/CI I also buy a new DP to DVI and a DVI cable to monitor but no luck. Any suggest to me? And would you mind giving me some guild to create my own dsdt/ssdt Thanks in advance
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