Hi, I'm trying to hack a Dell Latitude 3400.
But the moment I select 'Install MacOS Catalina', the screen goes black and nothing happens (the pen-drive reading light even turns off).
I saw that here on the forum there is an installation topic on that same model, so I think the problem may be me and not the incompatibility.
Anyway, I think it is some problem related to BIOS.
I tried to follow these settings:
, but in my BIOS I don't have the option "Legacy Option ROMS".
These are the options I have in the BIOS: https://www.dell.com/support/manuals/us/en/04/latitude-14-3400-laptop/latitude_3400_specs/system-setup?guid=guid-ad1bb6f1-5f1a-40a3-b3c9-b17abc452cba&lang=en-us
As I don't have access to a mac to create a bootable USB stick, I downloaded the images from the olarilla forum:
Catalina 10.15.6;
Catalina 10.15.3;
Mojave 2020.
And all the images happen the same problem.
If anyone knows what it can be, and can help me, I would be grateful!
Aida64 Report.rar