Since I replaced the DSDT( frome Jake Lo), the laptop(10.13.6) has worked two days (about 5 hours one day), and not frozen till now. The files( all frome Hervé's guide thread other than DSDT) should be suitable. I appreciate the help from Hervé and Jake Lo. It is very kind of you, thanks guys.
I appreciate your help, thank you, Jake Lo. I unziped the file you attached, and got DSDT only. I looked for one script to generate SSDT
cd Desktop
curl -o ~/
chmod +x
I want to know if this script would get the right SSDT?
Hervé, I have regenerated the new USBPorts kext and replaced the old one. Since the E6320 has only two usb ports, I saved two ports identified and deleted others in hackintool. It is easy for me.
But when I tried to patch DSDT and SSTD, I basically did not know how to deal with them. I looked for some guides like this
but still got confused. Could you give me some advice? Thanks.
I attached the origin files from /clover/acpi/origin
CPU:[email protected]
Hervé,thanks for your advice, I will google the relative guide, then replace DSDT and USBPorts kext. I also want to know are there other files that I may need to regenerate in the EFI in addition to you have mentioned?
Thanks Hervé, the CPU is the same i5 2520m, but the BIOS version is A22, 6G RAM, 240G SSD. I will try to regenerate the USBPorts kext, and post Specifications later. Thanks again for your help.
Hello guys
I have installed 10.13.6 on DELL E6320 followed the guide
Now the system freezes randomly.I tried to generate debugging files for some help, but got the error messages
Installing debug report generator....
Checking your internet connection....
Unable to connect to the internet. Aborted.
So, I attached the clover files bellow. Hope someone would help to figure out the problem.
Any help would be appreciate. Thanks in advance.