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  1. I tried removing EmuVariableUefi.efi it didn’t change anything but I can’t delete AptioMemoryFix.efi otherwise my macos doesn’t boot.
  2. I successfully booted Sierra on Haier Y11b with updated kexts. Everything is working except brightness. Slider works but it automatically resets upon reboot. I am attaching problem reporting files below. Any help would be appreciated. Regards. AbdulRaffays-MacBook-Air.zip
  3. I booted into macOS without installer successfully even got wifi working but bluetooth is working partially and sound isn't working at all. Another thing is battery indicator, lid wakeup and sleep. I am attaching reporting files below. debug.zip
  4. I replaced efi folder with the one I used in installer (using @Jake Lo boot pack for haeir y11b) I successfully installed clover but still can’t boot into MacOS without it. I get the following error
  5. I was able to boot sierra, graphics is working but wifi is not using jake lo's kexts. I saw in some old thread telling that he got wifi working, kindly guide me. Another thing is how do i make macos boot automatically without USB? Thanks
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