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  1. Worked fine, thank you once again @Jake lo
  2. I'm facing a new problem currently which is the Wifi is not working, I was using HeliPort before using your file but now heliport is not working and in my settings no wifi option available. Any ideas how to solve this problem? @Jake Lo I restarted the laptop twice and I noticed that HeliPort requires itlwm Kext to run. So, I moved itlwm to the Kexts folder and I took OC snapshot and restarted but with no luck, HeliPort shows a error tab with [itlwm is not running]
  3. Well, my trackpad got fixed and a lot of other stuff like my fn was not working correctly and now it works fine. Such a legend you are! Much thanks, your help is appreciated @Jake Lo
  4. Thanks for replying, sorry I didn't reply fast I didn't get any notification. This is my OC folder OC.zip Should I be copying your files and replace them inside my OC? Sorry, my hackintosh knowledge is so weak
  5. Hello everyone who reads my problem, So, I've managed to successfully install Catalina on my latitude 7280 using the OpenCore website however my trackpad is not working and I've tried several kexts but with no luck. I'd be very thankful if someone help me fixing my trackpad issue. About that the clover icon that shows in my config file, it's because a friend of mine tried to fix my trackpad issue and maybe he did use clover for some reason, he later figured that clover is not supported by OpenCore
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