Hi there, need some help.
System Info:
Dell latitude E5470 i5 6440HQ
ram 16gb
Graphics intel HD 530
network card: intel dual band AC 8260 w/bluetooth
So I have macOS Monterey installed; using it for a while now. Bluetooth wasn't working so i wanting to fix that and I used BlueToolFix and IntelbluetoothFirmware kexts. It worked actually pretty but after a few hours, I restarted my pc and bluetooth stopped working again. I did some twikling again and added IntelBluetoothPatcher kext after which bluetooth started working again. After restarting the PC, bluetooth stopped working again.
Now the problem is that it's just not working in Monterey, it's not working in Windows either; the Bluetooth device is not even detected. I have tried everything I could so far and last resort is asking for help here. I'd appreciate if anyone can help me fix this.
I am willing to provide more info if you need any. Thanks
you can download my EFI from above can't upload here because of size limit: