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Alex Kranich

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  1. Now keyboard is working, but touchpad mouse and wifi are not working, i am keeping Catalina OS and updated all with opencore i dont know why but if i install updates, and this mean install big sur latest version, i get error panic. Instead of this, if i dont update kexts in opencore , updating only kext for keyboard . I install big sur as update and in this case boots and i have keyboard and wifi working. but still mouse and touchpad no. I seen that with big sur i have some lag and notebook is not reactive like with catalina.
  2. Update: Downloaded updates and OS changed to Big Sur 11.4 and I see now wifi icon on the top side, and I am able to connect to my router wifi. and I copied efi folder as you said , now works normal with no pendrive using OC Config, great At least 2/4 problem are solved :=) Please help me to let working mouse and keyboard
  3. Where exactly I should copy efi folder from usb? Attached IOReg file required MacBook Pro di Alessio.ioreg
  4. Regarding internet i used ethernet and Miracle! I booted and installed macOS Catalina as you can see https://streamable.com/2t8tsg At the end I find those bugs. _ if I unplug keyboard and mouse usb, the keyboard and touchpad/mouse of notebook are not working just the light of the keyboard. - I have no WiFi icon and I don't know how to connect. - if I reboot notebook i have to use all the time the pendrive for start macOS?
  5. This is how rebooted my notebook using the modified files as suggested. https://streamable.com/sfc3uh Regarding the error at the end that you were asking, after the page "Mac Os Catalina" i press continue and says that for install it i need internet connection. Here how is actually my bios status. If can be helpful to you @Jake Lo
  6. Update: This is the efi folder i made following dartania guide. https://easyupload.io/ap23tl As i said keyboard and touchpad/mouse are not working ( using a keyboard and mouse usb external, they are working) here a video showing you what happens https://streamable.com/djbz4g ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following your corrections (Here, replace config, add SSDT to ACPI, kext to Kexts folder) @Jake Lo here is the folder with efi correct. https://easyupload.io/1sg36h
  7. Please have a look if I made correctly. https://www.mediafire.com/file/puhki92p6ldomvr/EFI+TRY.zip/file
  8. @Jake Lo Following your suggestions I guess should be like this. https://www.mediafire.com/file/wqs00sh7001xk8j/Dell_Latitude_5480_EFI_FIXED.zip/file But I just tried and is the same keyboard, mouse and touchpad doesn't work @Hervé Trying to
  9. Could you please make those changes in my file? I don't want to make mistake
  10. Updated: i have used this EFI FOLDER With Big Sur latest version 11.4 Finally booted but I see the first screen, cause mousepad, trackpad and keyboard are not working. could you please fix it? uploaded here https://www.mediafire.com/file/eg8s123niturox9/Dell_Latitude_5480_EFI_OC-main-2.zip/file
  11. pendrive with latest version of big sur. copied files from zipped file Updated pack for OC 0.6.7 below in EFI folder. Rebooted pc says. 0C: failed to load configuration! @Jake Lo
  12. Hi all, did anybody succeed installating last version of Big Sur on an Dell Latitude 5480? Mine has: Skylake i5-6440HQ CPU @2.60GHz Chipset skylake-H Intel HD 530 graphics I created my pendrive 64gb usb type-c with Big Sur OS but I cannot find any way and any correct EFI folder to boot and install with clover and Opencore. could you please help me?
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