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  1. @Hervé Ok , guess close and delete this thread .
  2. @Hervé I was asking if theres anything useful because I really don't see what else to do regarding this . Spoofing as a Skylake gives an output on screen but no acceleration.
  3. @Hervé Do you see anything interesting in this picture ? Something that might open a diff door .
  4. @Hervé yes collected from windows 11 , for some odd reason I can't install any Linux on this anymore , need to find another windows that's not messed around with to create a fresh usb-installer of at least Ubuntu to see if the same issue occurs if not then I'll see if the EDID hex from Ubuntu are the same
  5. @Hervé so far only the I assume is a headless platform-id ( 0x59180002 and 0x59180003 ) and the invalid ID of 12345678 gives an output by internal display , all other kabylake related platform-id are black-screened and backlight. Spent the night and re-tried them all
  6. @Hervé already tried 00001B59 several times . Could my situation be related to AGDP ? Saw some old post regarding some iMac facing black screen and they had to disable it .
  7. @Hervé normally for platform-id I write 00001659 and for device I write 16590000 as recommended with the dvmt 32mb patch , I get a black screen with backlight on . Then I try injecting property into igpu for the latest alternative backlight registers showned in whatevergreens and still the same outcome , then I even tried bus-id patching from bus 00 to 06 to see if there's an output and still the same outcome and then even pulled EDID hex and injected it and still same outcome. I think normally it should of worked since other HD620 don't even need all that to work properly , so I must assume HP did something weird on this laptop variant that macOS can't work properly with this laptop's configuration. That weird EFI that I stumbled upon to is the only one that gets graphic acceleration but can only use it as high as Monterey sadly .
  8. @Hervé I know those values are not the recommended one but the recommended one don't work at all . Since bios has no option to change dvmt I tested setting it around 63 since for many kbl I saw fbmem to 0 to see if something different would make a difference . Guess this weird kaby lake laptop can't be properly hackintoshed .
  9. @Hervé Does this mean that it's picking my HD620 properly now ? Still no acceleration, attached is the ioreg MacBook Pro.ioreg
  10. @Hervé Now getting stuck here . any clues in the last couple of lines ?
  11. @Hervé my bad i misread it , thats what ive been doing to test configurations to find what would get acceleration working , i had already tried a minimal setup with no fbmem and no stolenmem , just the unified , at one point even tried just the AAPL-ig-platform of 00001659 then 09001659 , all those always end with a blacks screen with backlight on
  12. @Hervé Mac is already installed on the laptop , i am trying to get graphic acceleration working so that the UI can run smoothly, that is my only issue for months
  13. @Hervé thank you , seems like i might be getting closer , i removed fbmem and only set stolen-mem , set it to about 30mb. rebooted , reset nvram but still got to backlight and black screen. many attempts at adding other tweaks like backlight fix backlight-alternatie-fix ... nothing still a blackscreen with backlight on . Then i looked at hackintosh tool since my only need is internal display i only set con0 in config but tried something ( just testing ) i also set the connectors always connected to change the flags , copied over reaults of the alldat to con0. when rebooted and test ( after reseting vnram ) verbose loaded as normal until it gotten to the IGPU part then about less then 20 lines after the backlight dimmed slightly as if it was about to ouput a display . so thats a step foward. Now even after reading busID patching im still confused . what i want to test out is to re-route for example con2'ouput to con0 so im asking whats need to be swapped to do that ?
  14. went back to win11 to check on something , does this mean that my laptop's DVMT is preset to 128MB and not 32-64-96 ? if so should i remove fbmem and stolen-mem ?
  15. sadly for me my bios is locked , cant change anything important . also tried to re-direct con2 to con0 and still blackscreen with backlight on , even tho i added backlight-register-alternative-fix thats meant for kbl. i seriously dont understand why this is so difficult when other HD620 users are already up and running fine
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