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Davebo last won the day on February 23 2024

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Community Answers

  1. Ok I’m a mechanic and not great with computers I was using proper tree to add kexts, it was putting them in the wrong order I rearranged them and it’s working, so dell e7440 touchscreen needs voodoo2c and voodoo2chid put them at the end manually not with proper tree, thanks for the help
  2. I’m using opencore have I done this correctly? With the patch in place if I touch the screen the mouse pointer disappears but does not have any input if that makes sense? I tried with the string and the 2 Kent’s previously mentioned and I get full touchscreen response but still kills usb and Bluetooth
  3. Anyone help I have Monterey installed on e7440 working great Wi-Fi Bluetooth iMessage all good using Jake’s files and install instructions, except for touchscreen that I think is elan usb, if I add voodoo2c and voodoo2chid the touchscreen works great but it kills all my usb ports and Bluetooth, they still show in system info but don’t function, tried mapping usb ports in different ways but no joy, remove the 2 Kexts and Bluetooth and usb works again, any help greatly appreciated
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