Well, I'm a bit further down the road. Well a lot further actually. I have 10.8.5 installed with ethernet, accel graphics and audio.
I used the EDP to build the basic kexts for me then replaced some. Specially:
Removed HDADisabler and replaced AppleHDA (thanks Jake Lo) - this improved the audio and I have a mic working too
Also removed the VooDooPS2 and replaced with ApplePS2Controller as this stopped working when I added AppleIntelFrameBuferCapri
I created a ssdt using ssdtPRGen but i don't think its quite right. Can anyone recommend a tool to view clock speed? I tried hardware monitor and the intel monitor but they can't read the data and just show temps only.
Also used an ubuntu boot USB to get some accurate data on whats in this laptop.
Have orded a DW1510 to replace the Intel Centrino wifi...
Overall very pleased and thanks to everyone who runs this very useful site!