-USA - Close enough to pee on apples sign
-Been hackintoshing since 10.4 using a JaS image , got out for a while then back into retail installs with the help of Nawcom on my AMD 64 in 10.5 (It was amazing!)
-my interest in hackintosh was to get OSX on my totally unsupported AMD system. I have since gotten Intel and retail is SO MUCH better on Intel
-I am a Linux nerd, used to be hardcore Gentoo but got tired of the long compile times and went binary (Fedora).
-I am a hacker i dont code other than bash I help nubs in IRC, that is what i bring to the table
-I normally lurk in #Lion, #Snowleopard (with a ban hammer), #RadeonHD (with a ban hammer), and #hackint0sh (with a ban hammer)