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Posts posted by jloco

  1. -Where you are from/where you live.

    Hi. I live in Michigan, USA, Detroit area.


    -How long you have used a hackint0sh (if this is your first time, state that you are new to this).

    Been using hackintosh for about a year now.


    -A brief summary of your experiences in hackint0shing (if any).

    I built my machine to replace my failing macbook, which replaced my failing iMac, which replaced my linux desktop.


    -What triggered your interest in hackint0sh.

    price and my need to tinker with things.


    -Your general computer skill level.

    I'd like to think I know what I'm doing on most levels, but I'm not a programmer. Unless web stuff counts.


    -List any technical experience you have in various operating systems and programming languages (if any).

    slackware user for over 9 years... not really any longer unless it's in a VM

    ran various servers over the years, all non-profit stuff, mostly console emulation oriented.

    Current maintainer of http://sdlmame.parodius.com/ the mac builds of sdlmame (I'm better known in that world as "r0ni")


    -If you have any talents/skills that you would like to offer to help the community (optional).


    I'm a unix/linux guy, who switched to Mac years ago. I do webstuff and am attempting to do some iOS dev for a project in the future. I just like to hack things and learn more about my hardware than most people care to know.

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