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Tiberiu Dubau

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  • Location
    Timisoara, Romania
  • Interests
    All things Apple :)

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  1. Hey folks, a quick update for you: I abandoned tinkering around kexts and stuff trying to get iCloud and AppStore and FaceTime and iMessage to work and I did a fresh install, this time without the DLink card inserted. Conti's myHack installed flawlessly, as expected, ran MyHack to set everything up, than I ran something to set up my wired network (from he-who-shall-not-be-named ), I set EthernetBuiltIn to Yes, and everything worked. Afterwards, I inserted the DLink, I ran something else from the same guy to get the kexts for wireless, and after a few reboots, here we are - a working 10.8 ML purring nicely in front of me. So to sum up, what we've learned so far: - prior to setup, listen to what Conti's saying: take everything out of the computer, except the bare essentials. - boot with GraphicsEnabler=No if you have a GTX660Ti like me, and ML will install. - Lnx2Mac Realteck81xx will setup your network cards from the motherboard - add EthernetBuiltIn to your org.chameleon.Boot.plist - reboot and set everything up - maolj's AtherosL1cEthernet will install the kexts for the DLink Wireless Card - restart restart restart So that's about all there was to it, basically. There still is the problem of having to boot twice to see the Wireless (after first boot, the card is not seen either in ML, nor Win7/Win8, but after a reboot it magically appears again - strange), but that is something for another day. Thank you everybody, Tiberiu Dubău
  2. Motherboard: Gigabyte EX58-UD5 CPU: Intel i7-920 Ram: 6Gb Corsair something or other Graphic Card: MSI GTX660Ti 2Gb Network Card: 2 x Realtek 8111D (motherboard) and 1 DLink DWA 556 Extreme N Pci Express Adapter (Edimax EW-7711USn USB wireless card as a backup) Add On Cards: some USB DeLock Bluetooth v3 thingy - works out of the box, everytime DVD Drive: I don't remember, some generic SATA drive, that's for sure Power Supply: I don't remember, some 850W power supply Case: Antec Three Hundred Black Steel ATX Mid Tower Mouse and Keyboard: wired Apple keyboard with numeric pad and Apple Mighty Mouse If there is something else important that I missed to put up in my specs, please let me know
  3. Progress report: I managed to install my wired NIC's and they are both seen as en1 and en2; on top of that, I managed to install my WiFi properly, and now I see it as good old fashioned AirPort Extreme, although it is en0 in SysInfo - but alas, no joy, no iCloud and no AppStore... I even added a SystemId to my Boot.plist with some UUID generated online, a long shot, but I was hoping for the best — no joy either... I read somewhere that's not good, and for iCloud and other to work, my wired NIC's must be first (en0 and en1), is that true? Can anyone confirm this?
  4. After a few more forum posts read, I found the solution: booting with GraphicsEnabler set to No solves the problem (and I belive this to be the solution for every GTX6xx out there). However, I can't seem to log in to iCloud no matter what I try; I get the message "Unable to sign in because of a problem communicating with iCloud. Try signing in again." The same with the AppStore (an unknown error has occurred). My wi-fi is a DLink DWA 556, and I belive it is seen as an Airport Extreme when I check the WiFi tab in SysInfo. When I check the Network in SysPrefs I only see Bluetooth PAN (connected) and FireWire. Any thoughts on this? Thank you! T.
  5. Hey folks, A quick question here: I just upgraded my video card to a GTX660Ti, and tried installing OSX again; so far so good, this card got me the furthest still (with Conti's MyHack), but I still got an issue - install went smooth, but after the first boot, it hangs on a grey screen (no mouse, no spinning wheel of death, no menu, nothing, just greyness). What should I try? Any thoughts? Many thanks, Tibi Dubau
  6. Cheers everyone, I have a quick question for you: do any of you have a DWA 556 installed in your systems? (It's hard to check all your sys specs posted on the introductory forum, I only read the major player's specs - so that's why I created this post). The thing is I can't get it to work on ML - and the problem I think is the kext (or lack of it). So, if you have this card working on ML, please please please share with me how you made it to work (kext(s) and how to install said kext(s)), or at least point me in the right direction. As far as I know, the device *should* have been recognized as a true AirPort NIC, at least that's what happens when I try it in Lion (using Conti's myHack with no additional kexts installed - so it's true plug & play). Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!!! Many thanks, T.
  7. Cheers Conti, everyone, I have a quick question for you: is there any way possible to "pause" the installer (booted in verbose mode, -v) after each and everything it does? Something like, the system loads something/does something, finishes, and waits for my say so to go ahead and advance to the next thing on it's list. The reason I want something like this is beacuse I just made a brand new 10.8 USB installer, and when I try to boot, it does something, changes the resolution once, then it keeps doing it's business, but then, all of a sudden, it just goes blank, and the monitor goes into standby.... And for the life in me, I can't see what it does right before it dies.... Any ideas on what to do next? Thanks, T.
  8. It's not always that I get to quote the General of the Army, but here goes: "you can enable permissions from the terminal by typing vsdbutil -a /Volumes/yourinstallervolume then run the chown -R 0:0 /Volumes/yourinstallervolume again" Give it a twirl, it helped in my case. T.
  9. Cheers all, My name is Tiberiu Dubau, I come from Romania and I've been using a hackint0sh for about a year and a half now ( I remember when I started very clearly - it was back in 01.01.2010 when Prasys helped me make it work - imagine the dedication on this guy if he was willing to stay up with me on New Year's...). I belive my interest in OSX sparked around that time too, mostly because of the beauty of the OS and the comunity around OSX86 - everywhere you turned people were glad to help, answered promptly and had good intentions. Some even went above and beyound the call of duty to help newbies such as myself (Prasys, Conti, Aschar, to name but a few). However, my experience is limited to 10.6.3 (and slightly new versions) and my rig only. I'd have to say my computer skills are somewhat advanced, but I use mostly Windows and web design / database administration so they are not that relevant to Mac OS. My reason for joining this forum is to learn. A lot. From the best of the best.
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