Hey folks, a quick update for you: I abandoned tinkering around kexts and stuff trying to get iCloud and AppStore and FaceTime and iMessage to work and I did a fresh install, this time without the DLink card inserted. Conti's myHack installed flawlessly, as expected, ran MyHack to set everything up, than I ran something to set up my wired network (from he-who-shall-not-be-named ), I set EthernetBuiltIn to Yes, and everything worked.
Afterwards, I inserted the DLink, I ran something else from the same guy to get the kexts for wireless, and after a few reboots, here we are - a working 10.8 ML purring nicely in front of me.
So to sum up, what we've learned so far:
- prior to setup, listen to what Conti's saying: take everything out of the computer, except the bare essentials.
- boot with GraphicsEnabler=No if you have a GTX660Ti like me, and ML will install.
- Lnx2Mac Realteck81xx will setup your network cards from the motherboard
- add EthernetBuiltIn to your org.chameleon.Boot.plist
- reboot and set everything up
- maolj's AtherosL1cEthernet will install the kexts for the DLink Wireless Card
- restart restart restart
So that's about all there was to it, basically. There still is the problem of having to boot twice to see the Wireless (after first boot, the card is not seen either in ML, nor Win7/Win8, but after a reboot it magically appears again - strange), but that is something for another day.
Thank you everybody,
Tiberiu Dubău