Hello everybody.
This is Mauro, from Italy. I'm 28... and I'm a graduated student of IT Engeneer and Computer Science, here in Italy.
I'm using Hackintosh for 4 years. My first try was with an iPC distro. I've used then all the myHack releases, and finally I've just finished installing my Mac OS X Lion thanks to the new myHack by Conti.
I'm very sorry for my 1st message on this board... to be honest... I've forget to read the instructions for new users.
Operating system: Win, Linux, Mac Osx.
Programming Language: C, C++, Java, JSP, PHP. Would like to learn Objective C and start coding for iOS Devices.
I would like to contribute on this forum, with tutorials and trick (the 1st one will be... how to solve the FaceTime problem on Lion)