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  • Location
    California, USA
  • Interests
    Computers, Travel

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  1. Hi All, This is Mike (username: TheBoozer) from California, USA. I am a Ph. D. Civil/Structural Engineer retired 4 years ago. I have been using computers since 1985, took a course in Fortran (seems like a million years ago) but frankly can't remember any of it now. Throughout, I have been using Microsoft since its DOS days and still use Windows 7. I was challenged by a friend that Mac is a munch better OS so I decided to jump in and play with it. Using MyHack, I was able to install OS X 10.6.5 on my Sager Laptop (Intel Core 2 Duo 9600, with Nvidia 9600M GT, 250 GB SSD HD) as a dual boot system (Win7 & OS X). I successfully updated Snow Leopard to 10.6.6/10.6.7/10.6.8 and lately to 10.7 Lion.I also managed to install every day software such as Microsoft Office 2011, Quicken, etc. on Lion and all are working perfectly. I have yet to decide which operating system is superior, but this is part of the fun. Of course, the challenge is experimenting with different drivers to make Lion work, I am almost there, with one remaining hiccup (WiFi detects Networks but refuses to connect, worked fine with SL 10.6.8) which I hope to solve through my interaction with fellow forum members and a bit of advice from the General. Best Regards All, Mike
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