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  1. I've updated my current installation to 10.7.1 without issue, other than the problems I'm still working on and existed in 10.7.0. I just ran the update from software updates and let it do it's thing. I've read elsewhere to download the full update instead of doing software update if you run into issues. C..
  2. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I ended up using RC3 w/1213 until I actually figured out what was causing the issue. I can now install using RC4 without issue, other than no keyboard or mouse at first boot, but that was the same in RC3, so I've always used a wireless or usb mouse and a usb keyboard. Anyway .. back to the issue. The problem with RC4 was it was enabling the HD 3000 video during load/first boot and the system definition was initially wrong. The system was also trying to set a resolution the laptop couldn't handle. I installed/rebooted/etc, using "Graphics Mode"="1366x768x32" (my laptop's native resolution) chameleon switch and once the system was running, placed that option in org.chameleon.boot.plist so it takes effect every reboot and changed my system definition from iMac to MacBook Pro8,1. My USB is still glitchy and I'm working on figuring out that, but anyway .. give that command line a shot and see if it works for you, and I'll post up RC3 if you still need or want it. C..
  3. System is back up and running and I can repeat the installation process over and over without issue now. Moving things to post-install as all problems are now only after install. Once I get everything hammered out, I'll start work on creating a guide. C..
  4. Ok .. this is bizzare .. I rolled Chameleon back to 1213 using myHack RC3 +Lion USB stick and install chameleon+extras and the system now boots fine again. Going to start installing kexts and see what happens. C.. [EDIT] System is back up and running with Chameleon 1213, keyboard and mouse, ethernet, etc all functioning again, smbios changed to macbook pro 8,1. Strange thing is, if I upgrade chameleon to any version after 1213, I get the black screen and white bar, which has to be related to the gfx. I've got zero idea why it worked previously and it's not working now. It's driving me crazy! Ahh well .. such is the fun of hackint0shes!
  5. Ok .. abosolute clean load of lion using myhack+lion usb. Installed chameleon+extras to HDD and rebooted .. loading, black screen with white bar flashes and immediate reboot. Ugh. Back in system using -x and trying to figure out what's different other than the version of chameleon. Going to roll chameleon back to 1213 and see what happens ... Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? C..
  6. Well, being the utterly brilliant person I am .. and I am really! I decided to reload the laptop after screwing around with things a bit much and wanting to just start fresh, I reinstalled and for the life of me can't get the system to boot without using -x -v. If I boot without using the switches, I hang at a black screen with a white bar half way across the top of the screen. I followed my steps exactly as I did to setup the system previously, so it's driving me nuts! Using -v to trace the loading, I'm not seeing anything .. I see the last bit of screen output then *poof* .. no error I can see, just the black screen and white bar. I've researched my poor little brain out and not found a solid solution for this. The only kext's I had loaded at the time were the lion ps2 kext's from kexts.com for generic keyboard/trackpad operation. I'm in the process of reloading again to see if I can get things working again, but I'm reaching out for some assistance if anyone has seen this issue before. Thanks, C..
  7. Conti, Thanks the quick response and the information, it's much appreciated! The laptop is indeed the 2nd Gen Sandy Bridge, i5-2410M on the HM65 mobile chipset. I'd be glad to post a User Guide once I've got the system stable (having fits getting the realtek 269 audio to work and not cause kernel panics .. fun fun!) and I'll post up the specs in the hardware forum as soon as I get to work. On another chameleon note, I had to switch HDD's to a non-advanced format drive to get things working properly, do you know of any workarounds or progress with chameleon being able to support advanced format drives properly so boot1h doesn't go *poof* ? I should probably ask that over on the chameleon forums eh? Thanks again! C..
  8. Conti, First, thanks for allowing me access to your forums and for your guide and myHack application, which allowed me to get my Asus U56E-BBL5 working nearly perfect! I've got a question regarding the version of Chameleon included in the myHack rc3 application. This may be a stupid question, but I'll ask anyway. Is there a way for us, the end user, to upgrade the version of Chameleon included in myHack as after much pain trying to get the Intel HD 3000 (GMA HD) gfx to successfully load the native Lion kext and use QE/CI, I found out after tons of research, versions of Chameleon 2.0 RC5 prior to 1221 had a bug which did not allow for loading of the native kext with resolution and qe/ci support - or is the Chameleon version something that must be compiled into myHack? After using Chameleon Wizard to upgrade the stock myHack installed 1213 chameleon to 1331, I instantly had a fully working HD 3000! I know it's a convenience factor for myself during reinstalls, but having Chameleon 2.0 RC5 1221 or higher would save a ton of headaches! Thanks much and thanks again for the great work! c..
  9. cfx


    Hi, I'm cfx and I live in Texas. I'm relatively new hackint0sh user having done a few installs on Optiplex 755 systems (really easy system to setup!) using 10.6 - 10.6.8 and I'm currently working on an Asus U56E., which I've got running using myHack+Lion USB method. I originally got interested in hackint0shes after having been a computer tech and system admin in windows servers and desktop operating systems for years now. Windows servers 2k8 and 2k11 now natively support OSX as domain members and my curiosity got the better of me and I want to learn and experience what was once the "dark side" to better serve our customers and further my knowledge of operating systems. Overall, I'm pretty well versed in computers, networking, active directory, exchange, etc .. basically everything Winblows! I look forward to learning more about "Hackint0shing" and being able to contribute constructively to the community! Thanks, C..
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