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Everything posted by flyG

  1. flyG


    Hi, -Where you are from/where you live. Paris, France -How long you have used a hackint0sh (if this is your first time, state that you are new to this). First time I deployed a Hackintosh setup was around a year ago. -A brief summary of your experiences in hackint0shing (if any). Made SL work a couple of time with custom DSDT, worked well, but never really used it. -What triggered your interest in hackint0sh. Bought 2nd gen MBA, had been dual computing (windows / osx) for a year, ready to definetly switch to OSX, requires a solid Hackintosh. -Your general computer skill level. Pretty good (i'm a webdev), on Windows & *Nix systems, quite bad on OSX (still discovering). -List any technical experience you have in various operating systems and programming languages (if any). As stated before, i'm a webdev, focused on PHP/JS/HTML/CSS, have experience in several other programming languages, like Objective-C, Java, C. -If you have any talents/skills that you would like to offer to help the community (optional). Quite busy atm, but that's not unthinkable.
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