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  1. -Where you are from/where you live. I am from India but currently live in the US -How long you have used a hackint0sh (if this is your first time, state that you are new to this). I have been using a hackintosh for the past year and a half -A brief summary of your experiences in hackint0shing (if any). Had a tough time to get my computer setup with 10.6.3 as i had a ASUS p6t and 6 gig of ram, etc. -What triggered your interest in hackint0sh. Didnt want to spend a lot on apple hardware. -Your general computer skill level. Intermediate -List any technical experience you have in various operating systems and programming languages (if any). Have worked with java,flex,groovy, and other scripting languages like python,perl,etc..... -If you have any talents/skills that you would like to offer to help the community (optional). Let me know if you guys need any help with web development
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