-Where you are from/where you live: Rijeka, Croatia, Europe
-How long you have used a hackint0sh: I have never used a hackintosh before. Since 2008 I'm a full time switcher to Mac OS
-A brief summary of your experiences in hackint0shing: None so far, but I'm very interested in setting up a brand new rig and making it a hackintosh. myHack solution, unlike some others out there looks very promissing.
-What triggered your interest in hackint0sh: got nothing agains any tehnology or OS on the market, personally I love Apple products and have many of them, but would like to see how this new rig will work as a hackintosh solution, and will I have any problems with it or not.
-Your general computer skill level: I'm a system eng with over 20y of experience in IT (various MS platforms as well as Mac OS - since Tiger)
-List any technical experience you have in various operating systems and programming languages: All Microsoft OS starting with DOS until the current windows 7/8. Daily work with SQL, Sharepoint, TFS and System Center tehnologies as part of my regular job. Mac OS experince since 10.4 (Tiger) onwards (all genuine Mac products).