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Posts posted by tascokid

  1. Hi all,

    I'm a New Yorker, living near NYC. I've been hackint0shing for a little over a year--and what a joy it's been (only a little sarcasm going on there). I came about this interesting hobby/addiction after I got curious in general about life in Mac-land. So with an eye toward possibly setting up a system for my daughter, I decided to pay a visit to Hackintosh-land.


    My first vain efforts were an attempt to get an AMD laptop going with SL (ha ha, I know). Since then I have successfully run SL and later Lion on an HP Pavilion desktop with decent specs. Then my hard dive failed. Replaced it with a WD Black 1TB, which failed after about 2 months. Decided to go with an Asus U56E notebook, also with pretty good specs (I'm not that interested in building any more, see below). I've been moderately successful with that, but I'm here for more/alternative guidance in that effort.


    Skill level: expert+. I've been an IT guy since 1995, and have worked my way from lowly sys admin to IT director over the course of 17+ years of this grind. I'm not a programmer, but can hack things to suit my needs when necessary. I'm really good with systems (servers in particular) and networks. I've build many, many systems over the years, and my interest in gadgets has dwindled to the point where I no longer have the time or patience to build my own systems. Which is too bad, because there's probably never been a better time to do that kind of thing, given the awesome hardware that's available to the DIYer these days.


    I arrived at this site after reading a comment on a blog post that mentioned myHack as the "originator" of a lot of the work that went into that other popular hackint0sh site's content. Enough said.

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