Ok, battery operating normally, a doubt, the lcd brightness is too low, has increased the keyboard and own the lion is still low and Dell saw a tutorial to change ioacpifamily of 0x128 to 0x328 ..... you have any idea what can I do??
Thank you for your help, is perfect OSXLATITUDE
Good Day staff, worked perfectly in the lion, I reinstalled the OS and ran the 1.9 edp and ready .... okay, minus the battery anymore and crap compared to the rest of the peripherals ... thanks for the help.
I did this, and does not enable video in this folder with the extra DSDT.aml and s / l / and there are the GMA950.
still does not enable QE
You can attach the necessary files to enable video???
Intel GMA 950:
Modelo do Grupo de Circuitos Integrados: GMA 950
Tipo: GPU
Barramento: Integrado
Slot: Built in
VRAM (Total): 64 MB de Memória Compartilhada do Sistema
Fornecedor: Intel (0x8086)
ID do Dispositivo: 0x27a2
ID da Revisão: 0x0003
Informação de Extensão do Kernel: Nenhuma Ext. de Kernel Carregada
Resolução: 1280 x 800
Profundidade em Pixels: Cor de 32 Bits (ARGB8888)
Monitor Principal: Sim
Espelho: Desligado
On-line: Sim
Good Afternoon, I installed 10.7 Lion, it's all working perfectly, but the video does not work, I installed 1.9 and nothing edp. I have more DSDT.aml video does not work perfectly, transparently is not the bar .. snow leopard in 1.6.7 everything worked perfectly, anyone have a solution??
Sorry for spelling errors, I am Brazilian.
I await an answer.
[email protected]