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Posts posted by LoLrenX

  1. Hello all,


    I'm LoLrenX and I live in London.


    This is my first experience with a hackint0sh, I have been a mac user for 3 years now and came to love/hate OSX. I have had an iMac 27 (late 2009), a MacBook Pro and a MacBook Air. Now I have just ordered some parts to put together a gaming rig and only kept the MBA which I work with. I'm interested in hackint0shing because besides gaming, my main OS is now OSX but unfortunately the native gaming offer is quite scarce.


    My target setup :

    Gigabyte Z77 UP5 TH

    i5 3570k (probably overclocked)

    Corsair H80

    16 GB Corsair Vengeance

    GTX 670 OC

    Fractal Define R4

    PSU 750W Corsair


    I don't have any programming experience, nor in-depth knowledge of how OS's function. I am not familiar with terminal (but at least I can use google, and can copy/paste). But I can put a computer together, I have done a few for myself and for friends. Installing OSX on a non-Mac computer is brand new to me and I have to admit that I'm quite excited and eager to receive all my components, and get crackin' with it!


    I have discovered hackint0shing through various websites and read several guides/tutorials, and after reader this post :


    I have chosen this forum because I value quality communities.


    Thank you !

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