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  1. Works like a charm! Even without BIOS password. Thanks guys!
  2. Ok, I reinstalled it, copied dsdt and got Chameleon, upgraded to 10.6.6 - but after restart it hang at "Waiting fro DSMOS...". So I decided to reinstall it again, and this time use EDP. I installed KEXT pack for Nvidia D630, Chameleon and - drumrolls - it worked. Unfortunately, I can't get it to sleep, it hangs after trying to shutdown and so on... but after all it finally boots into OS X, now it's time to fix things that don't work
  3. After reading post about complete DSDT for D630 Nvidia (https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/17-vanilla-dsdt-collection/page__view__findpost__p__2262) I decided to give it a shot. After installing vanilla 10.6 and booting into system using D620SLV1.iso, I ran 10.6.6 Combo Update downloaded earlier (dunno why, ethernet isn't working on my computer). After update and reboot I thought that I could boot the same way as before (with D620SLV1.iso) and then install Chameleon on my disk - unfortunately after reboot system hanged on the gray screen with apple in the middle and little loader below. What's strange is that it is probably problem with graphics, because when I press Volume Up/Down buttons I can hear "beep" made by OS X Volume Control. Tried safe mode but hangs in the same place. Single User mode boots well, but I really don't know what to do... Could you help me somehow?
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