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  1. Thanks for the suggestion. My D630 Lion works perfect.
  2. I have installed Lion 10.7 using myHack with Extra from Osxlatitude successfully. I have a D630 with Nvidia video. Everything works except audio. I installed voodooHDA2.7.2.pkg. The audio is working. The touchpad stops working after voodooHDA installation. I installed PS2 lion kexts (AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext and ApplePS2Controller.kext). The touchpad goes crazy very time when I touch it. Could anyone help? Thanks in advance.
  3. When I try to creat a new location, only Ethernet and Other selectable. THe External Modem and Airport are gray out and not selectable. The Airport on the left panel is off. Nothing happens, when I clicked the Turn Airport On. When I tried to turn airport in command: networksetup -setairportpower airport on. I got: you cannot set Airport power because all Airport network services are disabled.
  4. The bios shows Broadcom wifi. OSX shows Airport Extreme. Before rebranding, OSX showed third party wifi. The wifi switch is in ON position. The OSX 10.6.8 does recognize the wifi card. However, I can not activate it. Did I do something wrong during the rebranding. Should the bios show Airport Extreme as well?
  5. I have been able to rebrand my dell 1390 wifi card. The OSX 10.6.7 and 10.6.8 recongnize the card as Airport Extreme. I am able to use the card in 10.6.7. However, I am unable to activate the card. Could anyone help? Thanks in advance.
  6. I have a D830 with Nvidia video. I have installed SL and updated to 10.6.6. Installed EDP 1.9. Everything works( include sleep and shutdown) except restart. Anytime restart is pressed, the machine shutdown with the power light stays on without reboot. Any solution? Thanks in advance. JJ
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