Where you are from/where you live.
I'm from Germany and live in Berlin.
-How long you have used a hackint0sh (if this is your first time, state that you are new to this).
I'm currently trying to setup my first hackintosh
-What triggered your interest in hackint0sh.
I got a mac book for work and like it because it comes with a nice gui and all the benefits of a unix system. Now because I dont want to switch back an forth between operating systems I also want to install OS X on my home desktop.
-Your general computer skill level.
I'm a computer scientist. But when it comes to OS or more techincal stuff my knowledge is comparatively limited.
-List any technical experience you have in various operating systems and programming languages (if any).
Experience with almost any programming language that comes in mind but as I said little technical programming. More numerical algorithms and stuff like that.
-If you have any talents/skills that you would like to offer to help the community (optional).