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  1. Do you have the retail disk of Snow Leopard?

    Download this: http://www.mediafire.com/?j50eznjjyyz and burn it.

    When you are ready write me back.

    If you want you can flash the bios with this:


  2. Sorry for all these months, but I have not had the time and I forgot to continue writing on the forum. On this months, I haven't made much upgrades on my D820, except for the SSD, I've replaced with another one with better performance (same size: 32GB). In summary: I installed OSX Snow Leopard with the "D620SLV1.iso" (founded here) Then I customized the "Extra" folder with some changes. The Sleep\Stop works perfectly, works also closing and opening the LCD. I have the battery icon, but I can not test it, because I still have to buy a new battery. I have replaced the sound kext and the problem of distorted sound and reverb after the sleep has been fixed. It remain only to find a fix for the repeated "7" after the sleep. I cannot upgrade to 10.6.7 or 10.6.8 because the Wireless card DELL 1395 stops working. This is my Extra folder
  3. Hello Carlo, This is John, I have exactly the same modle you got, could you plez send me step by step instruction how to install snow leopard from scratch. Thanks

  4. Now It remain to fix the button "7" after sleep, with another trackpad kext. In the next few days I will try to make an edit on voodoo kext, I hope to fix the problem of the repeated "7" and... I try to activate the multitouch trackpad. I keep you updated in the next days.
  5. Thanks for the tip! But I solved the problem with a new patched kext. Now, can go to sleep (timed or closing the display) or stop without any sound problem
  6. Of course! But what can I do for you?
  7. Hello everyone, I'm Carlo from Italy. I found this forum while searching on google a solution for the wireless module "DELL1395". I am very happy, because I can share experiences with you! I have a DELL D820, that i've found in the garbage and I've fixed it (power supply problems). I think it's good computer! I never seen a 15" screen with a resolution of 1680x1050 pixels. Fantastic! I installed OSX Snow Leopard, because it run very well and I no longer use Windows. I installed all the versions from 10.6.0 to 10.6.6 updated with automatic "software update" without any problems. (never have to change any kext) My DELL D820 is equipped with a Core 2 Duo 2.06Ghz, 128MB nVidia video card, I added a 32GB SSD drive, 4GB of RAM and the wireless module DELL1395. In the future I'd like to remove the DVD drive and replace it with another SSD drive and install OSX on a RAID Stripped (RAID(0)). I'd like to complement it with a Bluetooth module and a WWLAN. Thanks to the SSD drive, Snow Leopard boot in 16 seconds and shutdown in 1.5 seconds. I assembled a boot CD for unattended installation of Chameleon v2.0 RC3, and these kexts in E / E: (I tried to use "EDP 1.9", but it doesn't work.. I do not know why! There is something incompatible with my system.) AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext Fakesmc.kext IO80211Family.kext (modified for the DELL 1395) IOATAFamily.kext IOAudioFamily.kext IONetworkingFamily.kext OpenHaltRestart.kext OSvKernDSPLib.kext PlatformUUID.kext VoodooBattery.kext VoodooHDA.kext VoodooPS2Controller.kext VoodooPS2Keyboard.kext VoodooPS2Mouse.kext VooodooTSCSync.kext and of course, Extensions.mkext The system works perfectly, Sleep\Stop (without any system password and it work with closing\opening the LCD), the battery icon (!). It have only a small problem and a lack: The sound, after the sleep is strange, distorted and repeated. I'd like to find a solution for the multi-touch trackpad. Maybe I'm opening a discussion in the appropriate section. Bye! Excuse for my bad english! p.s. Thanks to crc-error404 for the D820 BIOS A10 rebranded with the Apple Logo! Geekbench:
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