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  1. zonum


    Hello Conti et al, Just want to say hello and thank you Conti for the myHack 3.1.2! I had used myHack several years ago on an Asus P5Q which worked amazingly, and recently on my current setup of an Asus P8P67 Pro system, I upgraded my BIOS to the latest 3602, which come to find out, broke my Lion installation. After much searching, I decided to once again check out myHack, and to my pleasant surprise, I was able to install Mountain Lion 10.8.3 (I did mod my BIOS by changing one byte as per another set of instructions, and I will probably test the default BIOS w/o the mod) on an Asus P8P67 Pro with Nvidia 9600GT card. All is working except audio, but from everything I have read about it, the new BIOS breaks audio under OSX (I have ordered a USB audio device, so will see how that works). Conti, thanks again, and for the previous use of myHack and for my use of it to get OSX going again, I went ahead and sent you a $50.00 donation! Keep up the great work! zonum
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