Hi All,
I hope someone can help as my D620 (NVidia, 1440x900) is close to being thrown out of the window.
Last year I setup OSX with the help of the wonderful EDP and have had no issues at all, it has been a dream. Then along came 10.7.4... I have tried everything I can think of to update it, but it just refuses to boot. I have a recovery disk that I use to get back running but I really need to update.
Installation of myHacks with 10.7.3 kills it, myFix doesn't help.
Installation of EDP 3 still does not help (version 3.44 tried)
Upgrade of Chameleon does not fix.
I've tried every boot flag that Google could find.
The fault is always the same, it stops at:-
Console 1024 x 768 @ 0xd0000000
My question - has anyone actually succeeded in upgrading a D620 (NVidia) to 10.7.4 and, if so, HOW???
I hope I'm being really daft.
Thanks all!