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  1. I know, thanks for your answer, but I tried all 4 and the best working for me seems the voodoops2controller. Only problem is that the mouse is slow as f*ck und I can´t make changes in the settings pane because it´s saies no trackpad or mouse found.
  2. Hey, I Have a D820 an some issues with my trackpad. I can´t click on my trackpad to drag my folder around. The course just freze for 3 seconds. And if I make a right klick I have to hold the right click because otherwise the menu disappears. Ok, I used the Slice kext for my trackpad. On voodoops2 is everything perfekt, but I can´t have trackpad pref. lane in my settings. Any tips what kext I should use? Using SL 10.6.8
  3. Okk, got it working. I used iboot (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) 2.5.2 and disabled wifi in bios. OSX working great right now. Posting from my D820 SL
  4. Ok, I bought a copy of SL to use a boot CD on my Dell D820 with NVS 120M. When it try to install at the middle of the the screen just go black, but the CD Drive is still working. I try newcom, iboot (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) and the boot CD I found in the forum which is for the D820, but none of it works. Help please...
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