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  1. fianlly got it working, found out it was a bad dvd drive on the laptop. thanks!
  2. hey, im new to this version of installing OSX on a dell. Tried this out years ago when OSX fist came out with success. I am trying to install 10.6.3 on my Dell D620, but I keep running into the same issue every time I install. I am getting "Install Failed, the installer could not copy the necessary support files". I have tried the OSX86_MODcd, the D620SLV01, and the BOOT-KABYL-BUMBY (cannot get this to work at all) and keep ending up with the same results. This is my final effort for help. I have googled my eyes out reading and reading. Can anyone lend a helping hand/push in the right direction? ....Sorry, this is a retail DVD of Snow Leopard 10.6.3
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