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Posts posted by ditrics

  1. Hi!


    I followed the steps on the wiki. The first interesting thing was that I couldn't install the Chameleon on the pen drive for the first time. Then I ran the setup again, and I was able to install the Chameleon on the pen drive. I extracted the extra.zip into my Downloads folder, and it has created an Extra folder in the Downloads. Then I copied the files in the Extra folder to the root of the pen drive, and I also copied the Extra folder itself on pen drive. Then a plugged the stick into my dell d430(running your custom bios) and I selected the USB drive to boot from. Then it starts something, what I can't read, but the last line is "mounting done". I've attached the screenshot of my pen drive contents.


    I used my MacBook Pro 15(Intel Core i7) and Lion to create the pen drive.


    Can somebody please help me?


    Thank you.

    post-3663-057170100 1326913434.png

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