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Everything posted by nypoet

  1. Gosar, Follow my instructions in creating the Lion Install USB in my Getting Lion To Run on my D530 Within you will see that there are three files that need to be overwritten on the Install USB stick you create so that you when have glitches or freezing when trying to install Lion. https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1212-dell-latitude-d530-running-lion-73/ Best, Darren
  2. Great post my friend and thanks for getting the D530 postings going. I just got Lion 7.4 working great on mine.
  3. Yes, I love this very last square screen notebook and best of all, just tonight, I have Lion 10.7.3 working flawlessly. See the D530 Lion Install I just posted. Where are you at on the OSX versions on yours? Best, Darren
  4. I do have my Latitude D530 running Lion 7.3 with translucent menu bar, DVD playback, YouTube videos working in Safari and sleep working as well. How to make a USB stick that will not freeze during the Lion install: 1. Obtain a $29 copy of Lion from the Apple store and download it to a working Mac and mount the image. Note: Lion automatically downloads into the Applications folder by default. 2. I then mounted it by right-clicking and then show package contents. Then I navigated to Contents > Shared Support to find the file called InstallESD.dmg to click on. This will then mount the file for you after it automatically verifies. 3. Now go and grab the xfail application from the tonycrapx86 website or his blogspot. Note: The reason why you want xfail rather than his unifail application is that xfail will create a clean flash drive without any boot loaders etc. 4. Once you have xfail downloaded and installed, insert your blank and pre-formated with the GUI partition table 8 gigabyte or larger flash drive. 5. When you launch and run xfail it will automatically find your mounted InstallESD.dmg and install it cleanly with all Base image and package files onto your 8 gigabyte USB stick. 6. When the process is complete, open your USB stick and navigate to the System > Library > Extensions (S/L/E) folder where you need to copy (overwrite) 3 files. These files from 10.6.7 are AppleACPIPlatform.kext (Version 1.35) - IOPCIFamily.kext (Version 2.6) and IO80211Family.kext (Version 3.14). All 3 files are attached in the ACPI + PCI + 80211 - 10.6.7.zip file. Use the Kext Wizard to do the copying for you and you can place a check mark to back up the 3 Kext files you are replacing. By copying (overwriting) with these 3 files, Lion will install on your D530 using your USB stick without freezing. As a side note once Lion 7.3 is up and running, I found out that you can upgrade IO80211Family.kext to a tiny bit higher Version 3.2 which comes from 10.6.8. 7. After these 3 files copied successfully, I then did repair permissions on the (S/L/E) folder of the USB install stick using Kext Wizard to play it safe. 8. I then installed the boot loader to the USB stick using multifail from tonycrapx86. Even though this is a Lion install, I found it easier to use his multifail for Snow Leopard (Version 3.10.1) Upon launching it, I ensured that the location was my USB stick and I only selected the chimera (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) v1.7.0 r1394 bootloader (located under Drivers & Bootloaders). Then in the Kexts and Enablers section under Miscellaneous choose FakeSMC.kext, NullCPUPowerManagement.kext and then PS2/Mouse support to have AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext and ApplePS2Controller for a total of 4 files. The last selection is very important as it defines the System Definition you need to use. Under Customization, select System Definitions and go to Mac Pro. In there you will select MacPro3,1 where you then allow multifail to install all selected items. 9. You will now have a bootable USB Stick with 4 Kext files, a boot loader and a MacPro3,1 system definition where your Lion install will not freeze on you Dell Latitude D530 during install. 10. After Lion is installed, you may have to play a little to get it to come up. For instance, I only had to use the - v (verbose mode) at the boot option prompt to get it up. I didn't need any other switches or even try safe mode (- x). Lion should boot within the 2nd or 3rd attempt. 11. After Lion 7.3 is up on your Latitude D530, here is the exact copy of my Extra Folder I created manually (D530_Extra.zip). Within it I went and grabbed DSDT.aml out of the EDP 2.1 package which had an update for the D530 along with 9 Kext files - AppleACPIBatteryManager.kext - AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext - ApplePS2Controller - FakeSMC.kext - IntelCPUMonitor.kext - VoodooHDA.kext - ApplePS2Keyboard.kext and ApplePS2Mouse.kext (I needed these two PS2 files from the EDP 2.2 package to get tapping to select items working on my touchpad) Lastly, included is the AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext from the EDP 2.2 package as this version had the 1673 Device ID for my Integrated (BCM-5755M) Intel Gigabyte LAN. In addition, I found that installing these Kext files in the /Extra folder is fine and there was no need to mess with or install them into the (S/L/E) folder. Also note that there is no NullCPUPowerManagement.kext file included as it is not needed. 12. The content of the included org.chameleon.Boot.plist is: (I'm using 1024x768x32 for my D530 XGA display (last model to have square screen) <key>EthernetBuiltIn</key> <string>Yes</string> <key>Graphics Mode</key> <string>1024x768x32</string> <key>Kernel</key> <string>mach_kernel</string> <key>Kernel Flags</key> <string>arch=i386</string> <key>SystemType</key> <string>2</string> <key>Theme</key> <string>Default</string> <key>Timeout</key> <string>2</string> <key>arch</key> <string>i386</string> <key>Rescan</key> <string>yes</string> 13. It's pretty much the same that is included within EDP 2.1 and 2.2 for the D530 except that I took out the USB fix = Yes lines as all my usb ports never had any glitch with 10.6.6, 10.6.8 and now 10.7.3. In addition, I didn't have to use the sleep enabler Kext or add these lines to the org.chameleon.Boot.plist file. <key>GenerateCStates</key> <string>Yes</string> <key>GeneratePStates</key> <string>Yes</string> 14. I repeat, I have sleep working perfectly in Lion 10.73 on my D530 and did it all manually without using the edp command line tool to delete the hibernation file and then add the sleep enabler Kext etc. 15. The content of the included smbios.plist is: <key>SMfamily</key> <string>Mac Pro</string> <key>SMproductname</key> <string>MacPro3,1</string> <key>SMboardproduct</key> <string>Mac-F42C88C8</string> <key>SMserial</key> <string>G88451235J4</string> <key>SMbiosversion</key> <string>Dell Latitude D530</string> 16. I then performed the tiny upgrade of IO80211Family.kext from Version 3.1.4 from 10.6.7 to Version 3.2 which comes from 10.6.8. This 3.2 update replaced the older one contained in the (S/L/E) folder using Kext Wizard. I then repaired permissions with Kext Wizard on both Extra and the (S/L/E) folder.and then also repaired permissions using the option to do so within Disk Utility to play it double safe. This 10.6.8 file is attached in the IO80211Family.kext - 10.6.8.zip file. 17. Like I began this post with, I have my D530 running Lion 7.3 with translucent menu bar, DVD playback, YouTube videos working and Sleep. I'm at 99.9% all done up and running Lion 7.3 with even the later updates applied as well. I have not yet played with or tested SpeedStep and will begin by includng the above Generate P and C state lines into the org.chameleon.Boot.plist file. 18. The reason I went to MacPro3,1 in this tutorial for Lion 10.7.3 is because multifail (Lion Edition) notes to to do so. Thus the D530 is now cracked and you can remove all notations in red regarding not tested etc and that 10.6.8 and 10.7.3 works beautiful. Just update the default smbios.plist files included in the EDP packages for the D530 as noted above. Note. I did not test the EDP 2.2 package only the EDP 2.1. However I did have to use the ApplePS2Keyboard.kext and ApplePS2Mouse.kext from the EDP 2.2 package to get the tapping to select items working on my D530 touch pad. Final Note: Even though I am using the D530 DSDT.ami file - Before I included it I did not need any help the system "reboot" Kext files such as EvOreboot.kext or OpenHaltRestart.kext. I also did not need AppleHDADisabler.kext or any let's modify the Lion RTC Kext. My system started, re-started and shutdown instantly without these files before and after implementing the D530 DSDT.ami file. I also didn't need the VoodooTSCSync.kext nor any port injectors such as AHCIPortInjector.kextI or AppleIntelPIIXATA.kext nor the PlatformUUID.kext. And yes, I run my system in ATA mode to save time in swapping out my Windows separate hard drives. I hope this post helps all. - Best, Darren Mountain Lion Preview here I come. I believe 10.6.2 had the 64-bit X3100 drivers... ACPI + PCI + 80211 - 10.6.7.zip IO80211Family.kext - 10.6.8.zip D530_Extra.zip
  5. Some quick facts about the Dell Latitude D530: 1. It was the last Dell model to have the 4:3 aspect ratio (square) screen. 2. It supports the T9500 Core 2 Duo, 2.6 GHz, 6Mb Cache, 800 MHz FSB CPU. 3. It accepts 4 Gigabytes of DDR2 667 MHz Ram and has built in X3100 graphics. 4. As a result (for me) it handles and runs Windows 7 Ultimate effortlessly. Here is how I was able to get up and running with Snow Leopard 10.6.7 in only 45 minutes. 1. Follow the instructions outlined within this forum on mounting and then burning a retail Snow Leopard 10.6.0 or 10.6.3 to an 8 Gigabytes USB stick or external drive. For me I was able to come across a 10.6.3 DMG image file where I used Disk Utility on another Mac to restore my DMG image file to a USB thumb drive. 2. Now having and then creating the proper CD Rom boot disk to get the Snow Leopard installation going is the key. The absolute best that I have found is Empire EFI from Prasys’ Blog version 1.085. If it weren’t for this boot disk (thanks to Prasys and others who have contributed I wouldn’t be writing you all now with my success on my Dell D530. 3. Once you have created your Empire EFI boot disk, use it to boot your Dell D530 and then select your Snow Leopard USB stick to begin the install. Note: It really doesn’t matter if you select ACHI SATA mode in the D530 A10 bios or not. I personally kept it at ATA as that was the mode that I installed Windows 7 and Windows XP on my additional hard drives and caddies so I don’t have to go back and forth in the bios while swapping out my Windows and OS X drives. 4. After Snow Leopard finishes installing, leave the Empire EFI boot disk in your CD Rom drive as you’ll be using it to boot into your actual Snow Leopard 10.6.0 or 10.6.3 install. Upon doing so, answer all pertinent questions regarding setting up your user account and a password if you choose along with any key required to connect to your wireless network etc. 5. Once you are up and running and have your wireless connection working, immediately go and download the 10.6.7 Combo Update from the Apple website and install it. 6. After the 10.6.7 Combo Update finishes, leave the Empire EFI boot disk in your CD Rom drive and boot into your Snow Leopard 10.6.7 install. (This boot CD really is a dream come true!) 7. You can then launch the Software Updates module within System Preferences and/or from the Dock and choose everything available except the 10.6.8 Update. I repeat, please uncheck the 10.6.8 Update and selected everything else, such as updates to iTtunes, AirPort etc. After all updates finish, and if you are required to boot, once again use the Empire EFI boot disk to do so. 8. The only thing left to quickly do is install sound support and if you like the driver for the D530 built in Ethernet port, which is the BCM 5755M with a device ID of 1673. Use the Kext Wizard to install VoodooHDA.kext (I personally like version 2.72 better than the latest 2.73) and if you like use the AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext (version 2.1.0d21) for Ethernet support. These two Kext files get installed into the System/Library/Extensions directory also know and referred to as (S/L/E). 9. Ensure that you then repair the permissions and rebuilt the cache of the S/L/E directory, which is done within the Kext Wizard program. Then reboot your machine with the Empire EFI boot disk to enjoy sound and additional network support. 10. The above is a quick rundown of quickly getting Snow Leopard onto and updated to 10.6.7 on a Dell Latitude D530. My reference to doing it all within 45 minutes is based off of having your USB stick (Snow Leopard install disk) already created along with the Empire EFI CD Rom boot disk. I also had the 10.6.7 Combo Update (1.06 Gigabytes in size) already downloaded and saved ahead of time. 11. Once again special thanks to Prasys for the Empire EFI boot disk as well as all here at OS X Latitude. Long live the Dell Latitude D530, the very last 4:3 aspect ratio screen and powerful solid notebook. I will be following up on this post and will have a question or two for the advanced forum moderators regarding how to get the 10.6.8 update fully functioning. I believe the only bug is my wireless card in my D530, which is the 1505 Draft 802.11n (using the BCM 4328 chip) All is fine if I disable this wireless card in bios with 10.6.8 fully functioning and stable. However, even though I am using 3 Kext files from 10.6.7 in S/L/E - AppleACPIPlatform version 1.35 - IO80211Family version 3.14 - IOPCIFamily version 2.6, I get no Airport wireless functionality and the usual no USB and CD Rom detecting along with a very sluggish system when I re-enable my wireless card in the bios. - Darren PS: To give a little back to this site I have used both EDP 1.91 and 1.92 on my D530 which works flawlessly along with their included boot loaders for 10.6.7 and 10.6.8 (with my wireless disabled in bios) Hence I will not give up until I have 10.6.8 working with wireless and consider me your official D530 feedback provider. Currently using T7700 Core 2 Duo (4M Cache, 2.40 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) with Mushkin Enhanced 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR2 667 (PC2 5300).
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